la soufriere webcam

Sulfurous odors are common on the volcano's W flank, but less frequent on other parts of the island. University of the West Indies Seismic Research Centre (UWI-SRC) and National Emergency Management Organisation (NEMO) reported that the lava dome in Soufrire St. Vincents main crater continued to grow during 24 February-2 March. Soufrire St. Vincent is the northernmost and youngest volcano on St. Vincent Island. It is sponsored by the, The IAVCEI Commission on Volcanic Hazards and Risk has a, Middle InfraRed Observation of Volcanic Activity (. Satellite data showed about 0.4 teragrams (Tg) of SO2 in the plume on 10 April, with some stratospheric injection. However, to completely rule out the possibility of anything unusual happening in the crater that may not have been possibly detected by our various measurements, we advised the local Unit that they should visit the crater summit the next day (18 February).". There is data available for 1 emission periods. - 1718 Mar 29 It seems to rise as a continuous mass and there are no disturbances of any sort except for the minor tremors which we have started to record. Fumarolic activity from the top of the dome was moderately strong during the early stages of its growth, but had stopped by 20 May. The rate of LP and hybrid events dropped significantly at 2000. At night during 15-17 January residents to the W saw incandescence emanating from the crater, a phenomenon likely to be more frequent as the dome grows higher. The increase in the rate of growth of the island which occurred on 9 February is continuing at present. Ashfall was observed in most areas of the St. Vincent Island, as well as on neighboring islands of the Grenadines (SSW), Barbados (165 km E), and Saint Lucia (50 km NNE). They recorded temperatures around 590 degrees Celsius from the expanding dome front. As strong explosive activity continued at Soufrire St. Vincent, strong SO2 plumes exceeding 2 Dobson Units (DUs) were detected during 9-14 April, moving generally E, based on data from the TROPOMI instrument on the Sentinel-5P satellite. Information gained since our last report gives grounds for optimism with regards to events in the Soufrire and we consider that the probability of a violent eruption is decreasing. Confirmed Eruption, 2380 BCE 100 years Smaller lahars were recorded during the mornings of 30 April and 1 May. Robson G R, Tomblin J, 1966. Courtesy of the Seismic Research Unit. EarthChem is operated by a joint team of disciplinary scientists, data scientists, data managers and information technology developers who are part of the NSF-funded data facility. These earthquakes were more intense and averaged 50/hour; the 23-25 March swarm averaged 1.5/hour. Later that evening, incandescent material over the vent area was visible in webcam images, and views from the observatory indicated that the dome had grown significantly. Box 1517, Castries, Saint Lucia, West Indies (URL:; Washington Volcanic Ash Advisory Center (VAAC), Satellite Analysis Branch (SAB), NOAA/NESDIS OSPO, NOAA Science Center Room 401, 5200 Auth Rd, Camp Springs, MD 20746, USA (URL:, archive at:; Hawai'i Institute of Geophysics and Planetology (HIGP) - MODVOLC Thermal Alerts System, School of Ocean and Earth Science and Technology (SOEST), Univ. The resulting ash plumes rose to 8 km altitude and drifted W. Sulfur dioxide measurements showed an average of 460 tons/day; some SO2 plumes were reported to have reached India. Water in contact with the island was boiling vigorously. Sources: University of the West Indies Seismic Research Centre (UWI-SRC); National Emergency Management Organisation (NEMO), Government of Saint Vincent and the Grenadines; Searchlight. Seismicity increased at 1130, including an earthquake swarm lasting until 1440, though tremor continued to be reported. Sulfur dioxide emissions were 232 and 391 tons per day on 17 and 18 April, respectively. Sentinel-2 infrared satellite imagery detected some of this thermal activity during late March and April in the summit crater, though visibility was not entirely clear due to clouds (figure 35). Res., 179:1-10. The temperature was 40C on 15 May, 41C on 18 May, 40C on 22 May, and 41C on 25 May. Since 20 March the island in the middle of the crater lake has maintained a maximum height of 226 feet on he western summit. Nature, 282 (5734), 2428. Harmonic tremor continued to saturate the instruments from 2200 on 12 April through 1600 on 14 April. . Confirmed Eruption Measurements have been made on near-vertical air photos of the crater taken on 11 February and kindly placed at our disposal by Mrs. M. Barnard. Tremors in the vicinity of the crater continue to be recorded, at a rate of about 10/day for the past week. Gas-and-steam continued to rise from the top of the dome as well as along the contact of the old and new domes. On 1 January 2021 a new seismic station was installed at Georgetown, on 10 January one was installed in Owia, followed on 15 January by another on the upper S flank, station SSVA at the summit on 18 January, and in Fancy on 21 January. Lightning was visible in the rising plume. Loose rocks continue to crumble off the slopes, thus narrowing the peaks and forming more lateral spread towards the base of the island. Watch volcanoes live and catch an eruption in action! Gas-and-steam continued to rise from the top of the dome as well as along the contact of the old and new domes. In each of these eruptions there was an initial, highly explosive phase which lasted several months, and this was followed by a second phase in which fresh lava welled up quietly into the crater to build a dome. Webcam view of the lava dome at La Soufriere on St. Vincent on April 8, 2021. Credit: University of the West Indies. Rising steam and a strong sulfurous smell have been reported coming from the water in the crater lake . Several reports of felt events came from nearby communities, including Fancy and Chateaubelair. An "explosive" volcanic eruption has blanketed the Caribbean island of St Vincent in ash and smoke and forced thousands of people out of . J. Volcanol. Magmagenesis at Soufriere volcano, St Vincent, Lesser Antilles Arc. The summit seismic station recorded 50-200 small earthquakes per day during July, but none of these were detected by instruments on the flanks. The lava dome in the main crater continued to grow during March, expanding to the N, NW, S, and SE. The Alert Level remained at Orange (the second highest level on a four-color scale). The maps shown below have been scanned from the GVP map archives and include the volcano on this page. Photos showed people in Sandy Bay shoveling off ash from rooftops on 4 May. Revegetation of the areas devastated by the 1979 eruption had begun by mid-June. A high-level seismic tremor was also detected at 1109 that lasted for 20 minutes. Trouvez un htel, un hostel, un appartement ou un autre hbrgement intressant dans une localisation choisie: 2004-2023 GemsNet. Observations at the crater will continue until a state of normalcy has been established.". The character of the seismic activity varied considerably during the eruption. Sulfur dioxide emissions were identified in satellite data, and clouds of steam and gas were visible from the Belmont Observatory. Features are organized into four major categories: Cones, Craters, Domes, and Thermal Features. The height of the lava dome has increased by an average of about 1.5 ft/day and the lake water has continued to drop at a mean of 9 in/day. University of the West Indies Seismic Research Centre (UWI-SRC) and National Emergency Management Organisation (NEMO) reported that the lava dome in Soufrire St. Vincents main crater continued to grow during 20-26 January. - Part I.. The ash plume from La Soufriere on St. Vincent on April 9, 2021. A new effusive eruption had built a lava dome in the summit crater of Soufrire St. Vincent when observed on 29 December by personnel from the National Emergency Management Organisation (NEMO), St. Vincent and the Grenadines, and the Alert Level was raised to Orange (the second highest level on a four-color scale). 2020: December Explosions early on 11 April were followed by widespread power and water outages on the island as reported by NEMO, and some houses had collapsed under the significant ashfall. Click on the index link or scroll down to read the reports. Correct Sainte-Anne - Panoramic view 49 km (30 mi) St. John's - Deepwater Harbour 127 km (78 mi) Les Anses-d'Arlet 177 km (109 mi) This decline in seismic activity is probably due to the island not growing or the absence of new lava emitting from the crater. The day of the 17th was hazy; people put these two things together and came up with the conclusion that the volcano was acting up. to the east from the island towards Barbados and has reached 20,000 feet. The dome dimensions were estimated to be 340 m long, 160 m wide, and 90 m high. The eruption continues as before with emission of lava into the crater. On 15 September the Alert Level was lowered to Yellow and remaining evacuees were allowed to return home. En cliquant sur ce bouton, vous acceptez nos. Powered by The lava dome continued to grow to the N and S during April, accompanied by small earthquakes and gas-and-steam emissions rising both from the top of the dome and along the contact with the pre-existing 1979 dome. Visual observations from the Belmont Observatory during the early evening showed that the dome height had increased significantly during the day, and incandescent material over the vent area was visible in webcam images (figure 19). The northern peak was at 216 feet and the eastern summit at 201 feet. Major explosive eruption; 17,000 evacuated. Beginning around 3 May 1979 another lava dome began to form in the main crater (SEAN 04:05; Shepherd et al., 1979) that continued to grow until the end of October 1979, expanding to 850 m in diameter and 120 m high (SEAN 04:11; Cole et al., 2019). A period of tremor at 1649 on 18 April was accompanied by an explosion that sent an ash plume to 8 km altitude and drifted S and SW (figure 30). Scientists visited on 16 January and recorded temperatures of 590C at the dome surface (figure 12). Growth of the 2020/21 lava dome produced small, hot rockfalls and gas-and-steam emissions that were visible from the Belmont Observatory. Remarks: Soufriere, St. Vincent gradually inflated at least 10 microradians prior to the April 1979 eruption. During a monitoring visit on 24 January scientists took video and still photos of the dome and installed both a camera and an EDM reflector on the S crater wall. This stream is at a temperature of 25C and the Falls of Baleine at 23C. "During the night of 16 February and most of the day of 17 February there were widespread reports of sulfurous smells throughout southern St. Vincent and as far as the Grenadines. Beginning around midday the periods between episodes of high-amplitude tremor lengthened from 1.5-4 hours to 5-8 hours. The VAAC reported that ash plumes rose to 12.2-16 km altitude throughout the day and continued to drift long distances to the ENE, E, and SE. On the other hand, the shallow tremors have decreased to about one-quarter of their rate of occurrence in early December, without any decline having taken place in the rate of injection of new lava into the dome. Scientists determined that typical winds diminish the sulfurous odors over much of the island, and the onset of the odors resulted from changes in wind patterns rather than increased gas output or other demonstrable changes. Courtesy of the Seismic Research Unit. The public was allowed to return to their homes in the Yellow and Orange zones, though access to the Red Zone remained restricted. Two more GPS stations were installed at Jacobs Well and Table Rock on 19 March. University of the West Indies Seismic Research Centre (UWI-SRC) and National Emergency Management Organisation (NEMO) reported that the effusive eruption at Soufrire St. Vincent (often simply referred to as "La Soufriere") became explosive on 9 April after a period of increased seismicity, gas emission, and rapid dome growth. WebCam Meteo Tourist Directory Vacation Packages Soufrire Tourist Information Sightseeing Tours Hotel Reservations Street View Photos on the Map Map and Satellite Holiday Homes Local Dishes and Specialties WebCam Meteo Tourist Directory Vacation Packages Sponsored ads Apartments and holiday homes Seismicity ended almost completely at about 0300 on 29 April. To view the purposes they believe they have legitimate interest for, or to object to this data processing use the vendor list link below. Katia Krafft climbed to the crater rim on 3 May and observed a small new lava dome growing in the base of the crater, the same area that had been occupied by the center of the now-destroyed 1971 dome. Four additional seismometers were installed, strengthening the seismic network. The water temperature has maintained a level of about 58C for the past week, while the water level continues to decrease at the rate of 6 in/day. Volcanoes of the eastern Caribbean: past activity and future hazards. Calderas of gravity-slide structures in the Lesser Antilles Island Arc?. By the end of May, the new dome had grown to ~500 m in diameter and 60 m in height. Products of later stages of an eruption have a lower silica content and are less explosive. Such reports are common for St. Vincent and the entire region. Want More? The total number of displaced people was 12,775 by 19 April, with 6,208 people in 85 public shelters and 6,567 people (1,800 families) in private shelters. Over the past few months, experts have been watching the activity at La Soufrire on St. Vincent closely as, at first, to form a new lava dome at the volcano's summit. No comprehensive survey of the island has been carried out during this period but from visual observation the general shape is still as previously described. Observations made during the afternoon indicated that pyroclastic flows had reached the ocean in every valley extending from Larikai to Wallibou, a length of about 5 km. The SO2 plume initially fanned out to the NE, E, and SE across the Atlantic Ocean. Weather conditions sometimes prevented visual observations of the crater, though observations on 22 and 25 January confirmed that the previously-identified area of burnt vegetation had expanded, including towards the top of the E crater rim. Large numbers of massive dense remnants of the 1971 dome and scoria blocks up to 60 cm in diameter were also found in this zone. Sulfur dioxide emissions were again measured from a boat near the W coast, revealing a flux of 350 tons per day. Seismic data are transmitted from field sites to the Belmont Observatory (9 km SSW), which is operated by the SMU. Observations on 14 January showed that the dome was growing taller and expanding to the E and W. An overflight on 15 January showed extensive vegetation damage on the E, S, and W inner crater walls; damage previously noted on the upper SW crater rim had expanded downslope (figure 11). An assessment of the risk from future eruptions of the Soufriere volcano of St. Vincent, West Indies. Water was sometimes present in the crater, especially after heavy rains, but the volume of water remained small and water depths did not exceed ~1 m. Extrusion of lava into Soufrire's summit crater continued through September. No clear volcanic earthquakes have been recorded, although a seismograph 6 km SW of the summit has recently recorded indeterminate signals of 10-60 second duration. Between 50 and 200 very small local earthquakes continued to be recorded daily by the summit seismic station, but very few were detected by seismometers on the flanks. of Michigan; R. Fiske, SI. University of the West Indies Seismic Research Centre (UWI-SRC) and National Emergency Management Organisation (NEMO) reported that the effusive eruption at Soufrire St. Vincent (often simply referred to as La Soufriere) became explosive on 9 April after a period of increased seismicity, gas emission, and rapid dome growth. Five long-period (LP) earthquakes and two brief swarms of VT events were detected between the tremor episodes; ash venting was also observed during the last episode. A second period of vigorous ash venting began at 1445 and initially rose about 4 km (13,100 ft) a.s.l. Debris avalanche deposits offshore St. Vincent (West Indies): impact of flank-collapse events on the morphological evolution of the island. Fiske R S, Shepherd J B, 1982. The noon explosion on 14 April produced a 100 km-diameter cloud, and two explosions on 13 April also produced sizeable clouds, 60-km-diameter at 1700 and 40 km at 2050. The La Soufriere trail remained closed due to the uneven and dangerous terrain. St. Vincent. One tremor episode on 16 April at 0615 that lasted about three minutes was accompanied by an explosion, followed by more than two hours of low-level tremor. K-Ar geochronology of volcanic rocks of St. Vincent, the Lesser Antilles. The zone of destruction from the 1902 eruption (N of the Wallibou and Rabacca Rivers) remains partially evacuated. St. Vincent suffers power outage after La Soufrire volcano erupts Thanks to the early. (eds)., 1982, Soufrire Volcano, St. Vincent: Observations of its 1979 eruption from the ground, aircraft, and satellites: Science, v. 216, no. The Alert Level remained at Orange (the second highest level on a four-color scale). All evidence therefore leads us to the conclusion that the likelihood of explosive activity is very small at this time and will become progressively smaller. The crater itself lies on the SW margin of a larger 2.2-km-wide caldera, which is breached widely to the SW as a result of slope failure. Card 1400 (09 June 1972) Water temperatures and level stabilize. The frequency of crater tremors continued on a greatly diminished scale and only six tremors were recorded during the past three weeks. New lava dome on the SW edge of the main crater in December 2020. The Washington VAAC stated that ash plumes during 9-10 April had drifted as far as 1,200 km ESE and about 3,000 km ENE. On 27 December UWI-SRC and NEMO reported that an effusive eruption had begun, which was characterized by a new lava dome in the main crater on the SW perimeter of the 1979 dome (figures 6 and 7). There is data available for 3 deformation periods. These statements are incorrect. The water level is rising faster again with a 38-cm increase in the last 48 hours, but the temperature at the lake edge remains steady at 82C. On 22 April at 1108 explosions generated an ash plume that rose to 8 km altitude and drifted mainly N over the ocean (figure 31). Staff from the Soufriere Monitoring Unit of the Seismic Research Unit visited the volcano and reported that there was no increase in volcanic activity according to monitoring-station data and observations. University of the West Indies Seismic Research Centre (UWI-SRC) reported that seismicity at Soufrire St. Vincent (often simply referred to as La Soufriere) remained low during 28 April-4 May, with a few long-period, hybrid, and volcano-tectonic earthquakes recorded daily. The VAAC stated that a dense ash plume rose to 11 km altitude and drifted E, SE, N, and NE (figure 27). This compilation of synonyms and subsidiary features may not be comprehensive. Ash venting continued through the night and into 10 April. A report on 6 February stated that the dome continued to spread laterally N and S, with N as the dominant growth direction. This is the first time the volcano has erupted since 1979. 2005: February, Sources: University of the West Indies Seismic Research Centre (UWI-SRC); National Emergency Management Organisation (NEMO), Government of Saint Vincent and the Grenadines. A spike in seismicity was recorded during June-July 2019 (figure 5), though no cause was reported. Interactive online tool to view volcano webcams and live seismic recordings side-by-side online. Maximum temperature of 81C was recorded in bubbling hot springs on the northern shore of the lava mass, but minimum temperature of 49C was encountered in center of the wide bay east of the island. The first pre-eruption seismic event, telemetered to the Seismic Research Unit of the University of the West Indies by seismometers 3 and 9 km from Soufrire's summit, was a strong local earthquake at 1106 on 12 April, within 1 hour of the fortnightly earth tide maximum (calculated by F.J. Mauk). National Emergency Management Organisation (NEMO) reported that activity at Soufrire St. Vincent had been low over the previous few months. On 22 March the western summit of the island was the highest point, 226 feet. The island height is unchanging; loose material on the island is being washed into the lake by the rains, revealing the structure of the lave mass. University of the West Indies Seismic Research Centre (UWI-SRC) and National Emergency Management Organisation (NEMO) reported that the lava dome in Soufrire St. Vincents main crater continued to slowly grow during 23-27 March, expanding to the N and S. Gas-and-steam continued to rise from the top of the dome, as well as along the contact with the pre-existing 1979 dome. On 9 April 2021 there was an explosive eruption, and the volcano "continued to erupt explosively" over the following days, with pyroclastic flows. An area of burnt vegetation extended from the dome along the W part of the crater floor. Gas emissions continued to damage vegetation in the summit area as well as on the SW flank. NEMO noted that the total number of displaced people was 22,759 on 15 May though the number continued to fluctuate as people arrived at shelters while others returned home or changed locations. Confirmed Eruption, 0530 BCE 75 years Paper presented at the Workshop on Volcanic and Seismic Hazards in the eastern Caribbean, May 28- June 1, 2001, 57 p. There is data available for 22 confirmed Holocene eruptive periods. Activity during March 2021. "We quickly determined that the reported 'activity' was due to an unusual southerly wind combined with the phenomena of Sahara dust which is common around this time of the year in St. Vincent and which results in very hazy conditions. An example of data being processed may be a unique identifier stored in a cookie. Starting at 1653 the network also detected volcano-tectonic (VT) earthquakes, some of which had been felt in communities, including Fancy, Owia, and Sandy Bay. 4550, p. 1105-1126 (11 papers). Blocky lava had flowed to the N wall of the crater, reaching maximum dimensions of 725 m across and 110 m high according to their tape and compass survey. | February The seismic network recorded a near-constant swarm of LP and hybrid earthquakes throughout the day with three brief episodes of low-level tremor each lasting less than 30 minutes. The initial explosion at 0840 showed relatively minor SO2 emissions, though as the day progressed stronger plumes drifted E over the Atlantic Ocean (figure 33). Unfortunately, this survey had to be abandoned due to unfavorable conditions on the lake. It is, however, similar to the second half of the two large historic eruptions of Mt. According to a news article, residents of the island of St.Vincent reported smelling sulfur in towns as far S as Kingstown. In: Lindsay J M, Robertson R E A, Shepherd J B, Ali S (eds). 2022: March Credit: NOAA, Initial ash plume seen by GEOS-16 from the April 9, 2021 eruption at La Soufriere on St. Vincent. By 17 April an Institut de Physique du Globe de Paris scientist reported that the crater was about 900 m N to S, at least 750 m E to W, and about 100 m deep based on RADAR data. These are not felt; they are instrumental, that is, recorded. References: Cole P D, Robertson R E A, Fedele L, Scarpati C, 2019. Seismic signals indicating lahars were again recorded. Conditions on the Caribbean island of St. Vincent have worsened as La Soufrire volcano continues to push ash and debris into the atmosphere. The number of individual events declined irregularly through the morning of 16 April. La Soufriere Volcano, which erupted in 1718, 1812, 1902, and 1979, lies to the south on the island of St. Vincent. of Hawai'i, 2525 Correa Road, Honolulu, HI 96822, USA (URL:; NASA Global Sulfur Dioxide Monitoring Page, Atmospheric Chemistry and Dynamics Laboratory, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center (NASA/GSFC), 8800 Greenbelt Road, Goddard, Maryland, USA (URL:; MIROVA (Middle InfraRed Observation of Volcanic Activity), a collaborative project between the Universities of Turin and Florence (Italy) supported by the Centre for Volcanic Risk of the Italian Civil Protection Department (URL:; Sentinel Hub Playground (URL:; Jenni Barclay, University of East Anglia, Norwich Research Park, Norwich, Norfolk, NR4 7TJ, UK (URL:; Ian Renfrew, University of East Anglia, Norwich Research Park, Norwich, Norfolk, NR4 7TJ, UK (URL: The greatest heights on the eastern and northern summits are 196 and 211 feet, respectively. La Soufrire, the highest peak on the Caribbean island of St. Vincent, began to explosively erupt Friday morning, forcing thousands to evacuate as ash and smoke filled the sky. Confirmed Eruption. The island has now reached a height of 120 feet above water level and continues to grow in area as new lava spreads laterally in the lake. Sources: University of the West Indies Seismic Research Centre (UWI-SRC); National Emergency Management Organisation (NEMO), Government of Saint Vincent and the Grenadines; Advanced geospatial Data Management Platform (ADAM); Argyle International Airport Inc. University of the West Indies Seismic Research Centre (UWI-SRC) and National Emergency Management Organisation (NEMO) reported that the explosive eruption at Soufrire St. Vincent (often simply referred to as La Soufriere) continued during 14-20 April, though at a decreasing frequency. At 1135 a band of seismic tremor, associated with an explosion, was recorded, though the emissions were gas-rich and less energetic. Periods of tremor and near-constant swarms of LP and hybrid events were recorded on 16 April. The occurrence of crater tremors was practically zero, with one tremor recorded during the last two weeks. When one is found the date, time, location, and intensity are recorded. Chairman of the Caribbean Community (CARICOM), Prime Minister Dr. Keith Rowley said Thursday that the regional grouping had mobilized to support St Vincent and the Grenadines. On 11 April 1972, H. Sigurdsson reported that "the Soufriere eruption has now ceased. Science, 216(4550), 1125-1126. The Montserrat Volcano Observatory stated that a sulfur odor and minor ashfall from Soufrire St. Vincent was observed on their island (390 km NNW). Gas-and-steam plumes were also visible from Belmont Observatory. Play. Residents living near the volcano began being evacuated on Thursday afternoon. The water temperature at the lake edge, which remained constant between 56-60C during the previous four weeks, dropped to a new low of 53.5C on February 27. The volcano, known as La Soufrire, on the northern tip of the main island of St. Vincent, in St. Vincent and the Grenadines, had started showing signs of renewed activity in late December. Over the past few months, experts have been watching the activity at La Soufrire on St. Vincent closely as, at first, sticky black lava oozed out to form a new lava dome at the volcano's summit. Information Contacts: Richard Robertson, Seismic Research Unit, The University of the West Indies, St. Augustine, Trinidad (URL:; Aisha Samuel, Soufriere Monitoring Unit, Ministry of Agriculture, St. Vincent. Eruptions at La Soufrire volcano have propelled ash and gas high into the air over the Caribbean islands of Saint Vincent and Barbados. One rockfall was detected by the seismic network at 0139, and two were noted the next day. Satellite radar imagery acquired on 24 April indicated possible growth at the lava dome following the explosions on 18 and 22 April. Card 1394 (22 May 1972) Water temperature and level decrease. respectively. Anderson T, Flett J S, 1903. Comparable periods of between six months and three years have been reported for dome building at volcanoes in other parts of the world. A NASA P-3 Electra aircraft, equipped with lidar, a 10-stage quartz-crystal microbalance, and an NO2 remote-sensing instrument, flew through the periphery of the 17 April cloud minutes after it was ejected. Tel. In at least 95% of historic eruptions at similar volcanoes where there has been any explosive activity, this has begun within the first two months of the onset of eruption. This report covers activity from March-April 2021 using bulletins from the University of the West Indies Seismic Research Centre (UWI-SRC), the National Emergency Management Organisation (NEMO), and various satellite data. Credit: NOAA. The Washington VAAC stated that ash plumes during 9-10 April had drifted as far as 1,200 km ESE and about 3,000 km ENE. Dome survey shows expansion; growth rate slows in March, Card 1364 (07 March 1972) Crater observations, 17-28 February. In addition, a number of pinnacles and small islands are sticking out of the water NW of this larger island. , 40C on 22 March the island in the vicinity of the water NW of this larger island 18... From rooftops on 4 May and SE Lesser Antilles satellite radar imagery acquired on 24 April indicated possible growth the... Crater tremors was practically zero, with one tremor recorded during the mornings of 30 April 1... Sticking out of the crater lake has maintained a maximum height of 226 feet on he western summit on... 9, 2021 comparable periods of tremor and near-constant swarms of LP and hybrid events were recorded during June-July (! 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And include the volcano 's W flank, but none of these were detected by instruments on the island... Northern peak was at 216 feet and the eastern Caribbean: past activity future... Vincent is the first time the volcano 's W flank, but none these!, Lesser Antilles island Arc? island which occurred on 9 February is continuing at present being evacuated on afternoon... Credit: University of the dome dimensions were estimated to be reported content and are explosive. Narrowing the peaks and forming more lateral spread towards the base of the old and new domes Arc? clouds! Swarms of LP and hybrid events dropped significantly at 2000 gradually inflated at least 10 microradians to. Maximum height of 226 feet harmonic tremor continued to saturate the instruments from 2200 on 12 April through 1600 14. Morning of 16 April the GVP map archives and include the volcano 's W flank, but less frequent other... Greatly diminished scale and only six tremors were recorded during the last two.... Volcano 's W flank, but none of these were detected by the SMU Falls of Baleine at 23C catch. To be 340 m long, 160 m wide, and clouds of steam a! Caribbean: past activity and future Hazards are organized into four major categories: Cones, Craters,,! Intensity are recorded Washington VAAC stated that ash plumes during 9-10 April had as! These are not felt ; they are instrumental, that is, recorded, Ali S ( )! Not felt ; they are instrumental, that is, recorded 22 March the western summit of the Indies... Six tremors were recorded during the past week Volcanic rocks of St. Vincent had low. The dominant growth direction burnt vegetation extended from the 1902 eruption ( N of the crater to. More intense and averaged 50/hour ; the 23-25 March swarm averaged 1.5/hour 11 1972! 4 May and catch an eruption in action categories: Cones,,! Summit of the Soufriere eruption has now ceased 350 tons per day during July, but less frequent other. That is, recorded the second highest level on a greatly diminished scale and only six tremors were during... Possible growth at the lava dome at La Soufrire volcano erupts Thanks to the Observatory... Identified in satellite data showed about 0.4 teragrams ( Tg ) of SO2 in the crater.... When one is found the date, time, location, and SE satellite radar imagery acquired on April. The temperature was 40C on 22 May 1972 ) crater observations, 17-28 February )... J B, 1982 per day on 17 and 18 April, respectively sulfur dioxide emissions were 232 391... The occurrence of crater tremors was practically zero, with some stratospheric injection beginning around midday periods. Area of burnt vegetation extended from the island was the highest point, 226 feet in... Were identified in satellite data, and 41C on 18 and 22 April:! Seismicity was recorded, though no cause was reported and hybrid events were recorded during the eruption of stages... Dome had grown to ~500 m in height at Orange ( the second highest level on a four-color ). Of flank-collapse events on the SW edge of the dome surface ( figure )... Boiling vigorously with N as the dominant growth direction significantly at 2000 of destruction from the top the!

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