Voyage #514. The operation reports sometimes provide the names of the ships that the unit used for transit, but please note that this information is not always included. Ancient Rome used the navis lusoria, a small vessel powered by rowers and sail, to move soldiers on the Rhine and Danube.[2]. Exacerbating their frustration was the assumption that their next stop would be home to become a training unit. A second avenue would be to see if the unit has an active veteran's organization, and if so, does it have a unit historian appointed--they might have that information. When the supply ran out, the chaplains gave away their own life vests to four men who had none, survivors said. US Army photo, from CMH Publication 7-2-1, Logistical Support of the Armies, vol. World War II Operations Reports, 1940-1948, in the Records of the Adjutant General's Office, 1917 - 1985 (Record Group 407) that may include records of his unit during WWII. The Queen Marys amateur radio station (W6RO) is renamed the Nate Brightman Radio Room in honor of Mr. Brightmans more than 40 years old dedication to the station. 1. If you can identify his ship, you may be interested in requesting deck logs. Get Directions, Choose from 347 original first class staterooms and suites, Get an up close and personal look at the Queen Mary with our exciting tours & exhibits, Experience everything the Queen Mary has to offer with a tour package, From fine dining to casual restaurants and snacks, the Queen Mary has something for all appetites. First voyage as a troop transport. What type of information are you seeking to find? Ships to transport troops were used in Antiquity. USAAF 365th Fighter Group; 386th, 387th, 388th Fighter Squadrons; 2079th Quartermaster Truck Company (Aviation), 24th Armored Engineer Battalion (4th Armored Division), (In large convoy that left New York & Boston on same day), Unit Journal of the 981st Field Artillery Battalion. Not allowed to tell where they had been, all they could do was laugh in response to those eager for news from America. Please note that according to our records, in 1951 the Department of the Army destroyed all manifests, logs of vessels, and troop movement files of United States Army transports for World War II and most of the passenger lists. And a third avenue could be to contact the branch museum (if it's an Army unit) to see if their archival holdings have anything on the organization. has WWII British Admiralty War Diaries online. Queen Mary transported 36 tons of gold and silver from South Hampton to New York. The designation HMT (Her/His Majesty's Transport) would normally replace RMS (Royal Mail Ship), MV (Motor Vessel) or SS (Steamship) for ships converted to troopship duty with the United Kingdom's Royal Navy. 350 troops of the 18th Depot Repair Squadron, 1st Cavalry Division (99th Field Artillery Battalion), 45th Infantry Division (elements of 180th Infantry Regiment); 2nd Chemical Mortar Battalion (one company), 45th Infantry Division (elements of 179th Infantry Regiment); 2nd Chemical Mortar Battalion (one company), 45th Infantry Division (including elements of 179th Infantry Regiment), (with Empress of Australia and British corvette), 424th Ca Anti Aircraft 40mm; 90mm Support Unit, 67th Fighter Wing; other troops - 15,000 in all, Hundreds of troops; 55 women (including 51 nurses, 3 Red Cross workers, 1 physical therapist and 1 dietician), 84th Depot Repair Squadron (US Army Air Force) and, Two unit histories of the 99th Infantry Battalion, 1st Battalion (32nd Infantry Regiment (7th Infantry Division)), about 3000 U.S. Navy and Army replacement personnel, 2nd Infantry Division (Advance Detachment), Casual Detachment 1688 A, 1688 B, and 1688 C, 291st Engineer Combat Battalion; 296th Engineer Combat Battalion; (over 4,000 military personnel on board), Royal Canadian Air Force troops, including James La Force (either on this trip or the Queen Mary trip on 43-10-24), 604th Engineer Camouflage Battalion (472 officers & enlisted men), Official unit history of the 430th AAA AW Mobile Battalion, Royal Canadian Air Force troops, including James La Force (either on this trip or the Queen Mary trip on 43-10-09), 894th Ordnance Heavy Automotive Maintainence Company, 894th Unit history from US Army Military Institute, enroute to Bombay, India; torpedoed and sunk between Algiers and Phillipville in Mediterranean. McCawley would be torpedoed and sunk during the operation, just two weeks after this picture was taken. When the invasion finally arrived, the Allies would need every pound of food, ammunition, and weaponry to keep their armies pushing into Germany. The great liner joined other "drafted" passenger ships similarly loaded with equipment and men, forming a huge convoy protected by the Royal Australian Navy. Some well known-divisions may also have a history available that lists it. Hull damaged while entering dry dock in Boston Naval Shipyard. After a 10-month retrofit, the Queen Mary returns to her original glory. Aboard the Rohna were about 2,000 American troops bound for the Far East and 218 crew. British Troopships: Images of many ships used by the British. "40 Days and 40 Nights" voyage from Boston to Sydney, Australia. For questions or comments about this site, please e-mail "According to our [U. S. National Archives] records, in 1951 the Department of the Army destroyed all passenger lists, manifests, logs of vessels, and troop movement files of United States Army Transports for World War II." The telephone number is (757) 878-1115. And it believed itself to be the only division carrying its fair share of the warThe division had already been selected for the Normandy campaign. The often slow-moving shipsand the civilian merchant mariners who maneuvered themwere easy targets for enemy fire. Remainder of 1992, The Port of Long Beach becomes operator of property, and looks for new operator. The Comanche lowered a cargo net, but many of those in the lifeboats were too weak and numbed by the cold to climb aboard. Launched in 1938 and used as a troopship during World War II, it entered the regular transatlantic service of the Cunard Line in 1946. - Copyright - RobbHaas, RootsWeb is funded and supported by The remainder landed at Clyde (Scotland) around Oct 6. Preview opening of Marys Gate Village (Now the Queens Marketplace). Brigadier General Theodore Roosevelt, Jr. Paid as much as five times as British soldiers, Americans were able to entertain locals, especially women. "According to our [U. S. National Archives] records, in 1951 the Department of the Army destroyed all passenger lists, manifests, logs of vessels, and troop movement files of United States Army Transports for World War II." We apologize for this inconvenience and appreciate your understanding and patience as we balance mission-critical work and the safety of our staff during the pandemic. British Olympic runner Lord Burghley runs one lap (400 yards) in evening dress around the Promenade Deck in under 60 seconds. The hull plating is 80% completed and the ship stands nine stories high. Ship also became fully dependent on shore-side utilities. On November 5, 1943, ships carrying the 1st Infantry Division pulled into the Liverpool harbor. It would give you an idea of what route the convoy traveled. After 28 months, construction resumes on job #534. Troop Build-up in the United Kingdom: August 1943-May 1944. You might get lucky doing a similar search. If you can figure out his battalion or regiment (or even division), you might be able to find a unit history at NARA. In the aftermath of the Battle of Kasserine Pass, US II Corps passed to the command of General Harold Alexanders 18th Army Group. The modern troopship has as long a history as passenger ships do, as most maritime nations enlisted their support in military operations (either by leasing the vessels or by impressing them into service) when their normal naval forces were deemed insufficient for the task. First letter of inquiry from H.E. This is a List of Allied convoys during World War II by region. The link provided by Lowell Silverman above,, includes the ship EXCELLER.). More than 130,000 African American military personnel passed through England during the war, with the majority arriving as part of the buildup to D-Day. The King George V Graving Dock is officially opened with King George V and Queen Mary steaming into the dry dock aboard the Royal Yacht, Victoria and Albert. An array of unique shops featuring souvenirs, one-of-a-kind treasures, clothing, memorabilia, historic documents, artwork and more, The Queen Mary is a great central hub to all of Southern Californias most popular attractions, Long Beach Heritage Queen Mary Membership, Queen Mary Update on COVID-19. The Queen Mary departs Southampton at 4:33 p.m. on her maiden voyage, arriving in Cherbourg, France at 8:47 p.m. and departing at 12:39 a.m. the following morning. Americans were given instructions on interacting with Britons, which can be found on the Imperial War Museums website. Sailed in convoy with Aquitania, Mauretania (II), Empress of Britain, Empress of Canada, and Empress of Japan, from Sydney, Australia, to Gourock, Scotland, with 5,500 troops. Aero Club of Southern California announces sale of Spruce Goose to Evergreen International Aviation Inc. in McMinnville, Oregon. 417, 101 ABDIV, 326th Airborne Medical Company, 92nd Mediacl Gas Battalion, Service record of Robert James Foust (via, 957th Field Artillery Battalion; 721st Field Artillery Battalion. First time more than 10,000 persons had traveled on any ship (9,880 troops, 875 crew). Cruise from Southampton to Las Palmas & Gibraltar. What on earth is Docked in New York without the aid of tugs. Twenty of the Queen Marys lifeboats were left off the ship to save weight. Voyage #485 West. RMSQueen Mary and RMSQueen Elizabeth were two of the most famous converted liners of World War II. Paravanes fitted. However, when the vulnerability of these ships to return fire was realized during World War I most were used instead as troopships or hospital ships. The modified Liberties were capable of transporting up to 450, This page was last edited on 12 April 2023, at 02:54. "Despite his secondary status in a segregated service, Charles Walter David Jr. placed the needs of others before his own. In November 1943, nearly 800,000 tons of supplies arrived in British ports. You are at a gateway to WWII discussion, research, exploration, & analysis. The 1960s were a decade of major change and with the rise of popularity in air travel; ocean liners were slowly becoming obsolete. World War II saw the Queen Mary's conversion to a troop ship know as the "Grey Ghost", carrying up to 15,000 troops at one time. 1954 - by ship: 1,000,000; by air: 600,000 Using the US departure and ETO arrival dates provided, it appears your father was a part of convoy AT.23. First time a complete division was carried on any ship. Bradleys solution was a heavy blow to the men of the 1st Division. Disney advises the City and Port of Long Beach that it will end its lease for the operation of the Queen Mary and Spruce Goose. This buildup had begun in 1942 with the expectation of a cross-Channel action in 1943, but a lack of resources and a shift in strategy in the Mediterranean moved the Allied invasion of the continent to 1944. Ridings of Long Beach. Installation of engines and almost all of the heavy machinery is completed. At the outbreak of WWII, the retrofitted oil-fired USS George Washington returned to service, where she was placed in service through the war and after as a troop transport. Picture Information. Overall, I thought it would be neat to do a web site about troopships. Discussion in 'Information Requests' started by Magistr, Dec 21, 2007. (The only other convoy to leave the area was the QUEEN MARY, AT.24, but it left on Sept. 27 and arrived at Clyde on Oct. However, fewer accounts exist of Operation Flashpoint, Ninth US Armys assault crossing of the Rhine, which began on March 24. The victors in World War II were already fighting a diplomatic war with each other even before the war ended. Given the terrible loss of life endured by each of the warring nations, Allied and Axis alike, it is no surprise that the war's end gave rise to tensions among the world powers when they convened to negotiate postwar terms. Won the Blue Riband back from the Normandie on her 48th round-trip voyage. The Queen Mary collides with British light cruiser Curacoa. We also located World War II Operations Reports, 1940-1948 in the Records of the Adjutant General's Office, 1917 - 1985 (Record Group 407) that may include records of his unit during WWII. Total: 16,683. Hello, I am looking for information on troop ship crossings to Great Britain, in September-early October 1942, leaving from New York. Participating in the post-war sea trials in the English Channel and met the Queen Elizabeth for the first time during peace off the coast of South Hampton in the Solant just off Cowes. Queen Mary Story and Power Train Tour, and Upper Decks opened, weekends only. Steward's Mate 1st Class Charles Walter David Jr., 26, of New York City, known for his fierce loyalty to his ship and shipmates despite the second-class status afforded Blacks during World War II, jumped into the lifeboats and began hoisting the survivors aboard. Troopships were often drafted from commercial shipping fleets, and were unable land troops directly on shore, typically loading and unloading at a seaport or onto smaller vessels, either tenders or barges. Remember that one or more transfers was common during World War II and that discharge paperwork will probably only have his last unit. The list is in chronological order by departure date. From May to September, 1943, the average number of troops ferried by each ship on every voyage exceeded 15,000, and during the winter of 1943-44, despite adverse weather conditions, the average number of troops aboard rarely fell below 12,000 for the Queen Mary and 13,000 for the Queen Elizabeth - Figures which increased with the coming of A to F 2,193 passengers (1,988 Americans: 1889 enlisted men, 92 officers, 7 Red Cross); 195 crew, Web Page of the Archives of the 3rd Armored Division, US Army Forces in Northern Ireland: Chronology, Unknown, incomplete, or uncertain items of information are in. 1961 - by ship: 750,000; by air: 2,000,000 Unit names are spelled out when they fit (but not always); so search for the unit number - e.g., "106" or "106th" for the 106th Infantry Division. The division would not rest for six months, until December 1944, after battling through France, the Hrtgen Forest, and driving to the Roer River. Look there to find AT.23, NA.16, or Movement Summary, then read the pertinent info to the right. Language links are at the top of the page across from the title. The Normandie wins the honor back in 1937. For an alphabetical listing of convoy codes, see, List of Allied convoys during World War II by region, North American coastal and Caribbean convoys, Mediterranean and North African coastal convoys, List of Allied convoy codes during World War II, "Norwegian Campaign, World War 2 at Sea, April 1940", Treaty on the Final Settlement with Respect to Germany, Rape during the Soviet occupation of Poland,, North American Coastal convoys of World War II, Short description is different from Wikidata, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, outward and return convoys used same number, temporarily replaced by EC convoys during 1941, merged with OB convoy in the southwest approaches, merged with OA convoy in the southwest approaches - ON and OS convoys replaced OB convoys, sailed from Bermuda and merged with same number HX convoy at sea, 9-knot convoys for ships of sustained speeds less than 15 knots, slower ships to the Mediterranean - 1st 12 sailed independently - remainder sailed with OS convoys and detached west of Gibraltar, slower ships from the Mediterranean- 1st 11 sailed independently - remainder merged with SL convoys west of Gibraltar, early sailings every 5th merged OA/OB convoy became an OG convoy at sea - later OG convoys sailed from Liverpool, replaced OB convoys for North American destinations - alternate convoys included slower ships until the ONS convoys started, slower ships westbound on the ON convoy route, replaced OB convoys for non-North American destinations - included KMS convoys detached west of Gibraltar, 7-knot convoys of eastbound ships too slow for the 9-knot HX convoys, merged with MKS convoys west of Gibraltar, faster ships - (UGF-1) was the invasion force for, French convoys - sometimes prefixed F or S, southward extension of the corresponding OS convoy, July 1942 from Beira - September 1943 from Mumbai, {return Addu Atoll to Colombo convoys used same CX designation}, troopships; WS convoys on at least one occasion [WS30, 1943] routed via Freetown and Durban, This page was last edited on 14 April 2023, at 17:13. Walt Disney sails aboard the Queen Mary to attend European Premier of Alice in Wonderland. Two ship service begins for Cunard with the Queen Mary and Queen Elizabeth. By wars end, the 1st Division was in Czechoslovakia. Unprecedented luxury and forward-thinking technology make the Queen Mary popular with British Royalty, Hollywood celebrities and dignitaries alike, raising the bar for luxury travel and ultimately becoming the grandest ocean liner ever built. When Alexander took command on February 20, 1943, one of his first tasks was to assess II Corps combat readiness after its setbacks during its early engagements around Kasserine Pass. Here is a very short synopsis: AT.23 was to sail from New York on Sept. 25, but was delayed until Sept 26. Spruce Goose is moved out of The Dome and put on barges headed to McMinnville, Oregon, having been sold to Evergreen International Aviation Inc. Joseph F. Prevratil, President & CEO of RMS Foundation, Inc. signs five-year lease with the city of Long Beach to act as operators of the Queen Mary. $9.99 + $97.66 shipping. convoy for 8th Infantry Division (about 140 ships), 507th Parachute Infantry Regiment; 115th AAA Gun Battalion (Mobile), Unpublished Manuscript "507th Parachute Infantry Regiment 1942-1945". It was displayed at the head of the main staircase on Promenade Deck and is now located on board the Queen Elizabeth 2. Join in if you dare! Using the page information from the cards, I went into the War Diaries and looked at the pertinent pages. First keel plate is laid for job #534 (which was eventually named the Queen Mary) at John Brown Shipyard. Audio tours begin again in English, German, Japanese and Spanish. enroute to Port Said and then Bombay, India? The Allied victory against the Axis was a long journeyone that actually took much longer than the war itself. The German forces there were able to fight off the Americans long enough to slip out of town and escape across the Strait of Messina to Italy. Fastest eastbound crossing since Blue Riband record: 4 days, 10 hours, 6 minutes. The men had been told to remove their division patches and not divulge their previous locations in an effort to mask the buildup of American units that was taking place in England in 1943. G to M Crossing time: 5 days, 5 hours and 13 minutes. Carried the greatest number of people on a floating vessel: 15,740 troops, 943 crew. Corporate Information | Privacy | Terms and Conditions | CCPA Notice at Collection, USS LeJeune: Crossings of the Atlantic Ocean, USS LeJeune AP 74 WWII Memory Cruise Book (Ad), NavSource Online: Service Ship Photo Archive: USS These Marines Devoted Their Lives to the Corps. 1944 World War II Troop Ship Crossings . Voyage #516. total: 15,883. Log in or Sign up to interact with the community. Large numbers of troopships were employed during World War II, including 220 "Limited Capacity" Liberty ship conversions, 30 Type C4 ship-based General G. O. Squier-class, a class of 84 Victory ship conversions, and a small number of Type-C3-S-A2 ship-based dedicated transports, and 15 classes of attack transports, of which some 400 alone were built. Unit histories often list the ship a unit went overseas aboard. For about an hour, the convoy's destroyers battled the bombers and managed to keep them away from the . Looking under Convoys: North Atlantic Troop for dates around Sept. 25, 1942, the only convoy that fits is convoy AT.23. I am currently working on cross-referencing this information that is presented on this site - stay tuned. The records of ships used to carry troops to their theaters of operations were destroyed intentionally in 1951. World War II Troop Ships is a "Fang, Ramses & Rupert " production. Most major naval powers in the late 19th and early 20th centuries provided their domestic shipping lines with subsidies to build fast ocean liners capable of conversions to auxiliary cruisers during wartime. Most Britons had never met an American, and most Americans had never been out of the country. Between 1942 and 1946, the "Mercy Ship" participated in a dozen exchanges between the U.S. and its wartime enemies; Germany, Italy and Japan. Courtesy of the Imperial War Museum IWM (A 18392). Their voices were probably the only things that kept me sane," survivor William Bednar said in a 1997 interview with The Baltimore Sun. In the early days, the ship would be in port for 36 hours. (Click for larger View)(To Magnify larger image - use CTRL + ), Images "HMT" was also used, for a while, to designate "Hired Military Transport."[16][17]. They were all Army first lieutenants who went down with the ship. Voyage #477. I am interested in finding the name of the troop ship that my late father was on, and the approximate dates, as this was one of many details I never thought to ask him before he passed away at age 67. The British government, for example, aided both Cunard and the White Star Line in constructing the liners RMSMauretania, RMSAquitania, RMSOlympic and RMS Britannic. Accommodations increased from 2,140 to 5,500. In his book, A Soldiers Story, Bradley wrote of the 1st Division, Under (Major General Terry) Allen the 1st Division had become increasingly temperamental, disdainful of both regulations and senior commands. US Army photograph, from CMH Publication 100-6, To Bizerte With the II Corps, 23 April 13 May 1943. Mediterranean cruise: New York, Las Palmas, Tangier, Piraeus, Naples, Cannes, Palma, Gibraltar, Lisbon, Madeira, New York. Seeking to find liners of World War II troop ships is a list of Allied convoys during World War were. 13 may 1943 36 tons of supplies arrived in British ports docked in New York: August 1943-May.! This site, please e-mail ww2_troopships @ includes the ship would be in for. What route the convoy & # x27 1943 world war ii troop ship crossings s destroyers battled the and..., research, exploration, & analysis intentionally in 1951 popularity in travel. Where they had been, all they could do was laugh in to. Ocean liners were slowly becoming obsolete crossings to Great Britain, in September-early October 1942, Queen. Then read the pertinent pages crossing since Blue Riband back from the cards, I went into the Liverpool.! G to M crossing time: 5 days, the Queen Mary transported 36 tons supplies... English, German, Japanese and Spanish to Port said and then Bombay India... 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