wwf 1995 results

for Razor Ramon) defeated King Mabel via disqualification Hunter Hearst Helmsley defeated Doink the Clown Bam Bam Bigelow defeated King Kong Bundy at 3:00, WWF @ Indianapolis, IN Market Square Arena July 7, 1995 (3,600) Fatu defeated Rad Radford The 1-2-3 Kid defeated the Brooklyn Brawler WWF Womens Champion Alundra Blayze defeated Bertha Faye WWF World Champion Diesel defeated Psycho Sid in a steel cage match WWF Tag Team Champions Owen Hart & Yokozuna defeated Lex Luger & Davey Boy Smith Shawn Michaels defeated WWF IC Champion Jeff Jarrett via count-out The Undertaker defeated Kama in a casket match, WWF @ Chicago, IL United Center July 8, 1995 (5,200) Fatu defeated Rad Radford The 1-2-3 Kid defeated the Brooklyn Brawler after 1 minute Shawn Michaels defeated WWF IC Champion Jeff Jarrett via count-out WWF World Champion Diesel defeated Psycho Sid in a steel cage match at around the 4-minute mark WWF Womens Champion Alundra Blayze pinned Bertha Faye WWF World Tag Team Champions Owen Hart & Yokozuna defeated Lex Luger & Davey Boy Smith The Undertaker defeated Skip (sub. for Bam Bam Bigelow) defeated King Mabel via disqualification, WWF @ Vernon, NJ Great Gorge Pavillion August 3, 1995 Skip pinned Mike Bell Jean Pierre Lafitte defeated Duke Drose Hunter Hearst Helmsley defeated Doink the Clown Bob Backlund defeated Man Mountain Rock The Smoking Gunns defeated Jacob & Eli Blu when Billy pinned Eli Savio Vega (sub. for Owen Hart), WWF @ Liberty, NY High School November 6, 1995Cancelled, USWA @ Memphis, TN November 6, 1995 Ahmed Johnson defeated USWA Champion Jerry Lawler to win the title, WWF @ Hudson, NY November 7, 1995Cancelled, WWF @ Toledo, OH Sports Arena November 7, 1995Cancelled due to a poor advance, WWF @ Columbus, OH Convention Center November 8, 1995 (1,800) Savio Vega pinned Jean Pierre Lafitte with a small package Fatu pinned the Brooklyn Brawler with the splash off the top Ahmed Johnson pinned Rad Radford with the Pearl River Plunge Bob Backlund defeated Bob Holly via submission with the Crossface Chicken Wing; Marty Jannetty made the save after the match Goldust pinned Marty Jannetty with the Curtain Call Hunter Hearst Helmsley pinned Henry Godwinn in a slop bucket match by holding onto the ropes for leverage Isaac Yankem DDS pinned Bam Bam Bigelow with the DDT after Bigelow missed the diving headbutt WWF IC Champion Razor Ramon pinned Owen Hart with a small package; the 1-2-3 Kid was the guest referee for the bout; after the match, Hart hit both Razor and the Kid with the IC title and left the ring; moments later, Razor tried to help Kid to his feet but Kid shoved him away WWF Tag Team Champions the Smoking Gunns defeated Psycho Sid & Kama when Billy Gunn pinned Kama with a roll up WWF World Champion Diesel, Bret Hart, & Shawn Michaels defeated Yokozuna, Davey Boy Smith, & King Mabel (sub. A total of nine matches were contested at the event. WWF @ Swift Current, Saskatchewan October 28, 1995Cancelled reportedly due to the Undertakers injury and lack of a main event (originally scheduled as Undertaker vs. Isaac Yankem DDS), WWF @ Dauphin, Manitoba DMCC October 28, 1995Cancelled reportedly due to the Undertakers injury and lack of a main event (originally scheduled as Undertaker vs. Isaac Yankem DDS), WWF @ Vancouver, British Columbia October 28, 1995 Barry Horowitz defeated Skip Hakushi defeated Rad Radford WWF Womens Champion Alundra Blayze defeated Bertha Faye Psycho Sid defeated Bam Bam Bigelow WWF World Champion Diesel defeated Yokozuna Owen Hart defeated Fatu Goldust defeated the 1-2-3 Kid WWF IC Champion Razor Ramon defeated Davey Boy Smith, WWF @ Victoria, British Columbia Memorial Arena October 28, 1995 Barry Horowitz pinned Skip at 8:52 with a Thesz Press Hakushi pinned Rad Radford following a Frankensteiner at 10:51 WWF Womens Champion Alundra Blayze pinned Bertha Faye at 5:00 with a Frankensteiner into a pin WWF World Champion Diesel pinned Yokozuna with a roll up at 8:52 after the challenger missed the Bonzai Drop Owen Hart pinned Barry Horowitz (sub. for WWF IC Champion Shawn Michaels) defeated Davey Boy Smith, WWF @ Utica, NY October 15, 1995 (1,300)The previously unscheduled battle royal was announced due to the injuries to the Undertaker and Shawn Michaels Hakushi defeated Skip King Kong Bundy defeated Barry Horowitz Bob Backlund defeated the 1-2-3 Kid Marty Jannetty won a battle royal WWF Womens Champion Bertha Faye defeated Alundra Blayze Marty Jannetty (sub. Diesel also gives the Roadie a jacknife powerbomb. for Psycho Sid) in a steel cage match at 9:13 by escaping the cage WWF Womens Champion Alundra Blayze defeated Bertha Faye WWF Tag Team Champions Owen Hart & Yokozuna defeated Lex Luger & Davey Boy Smith at 9:28 The Undertaker defeated Kama in a casket match at 14:37, WWF @ Hampton, NH Hampton Beach Casino July 29, 1995 (2,000) Aldo Montoya defeated Skip Razor Ramon fought Hunter Hearst Helmsley to a double count-out Bob Backlund defeated Man Mountain Rock Savio Vega defeated Hakushi The Smoking Gunns defeated Jacob & Eli Blu King Mabel defeated Bam Bam Bigelow, WWF @ Hyannis, MA July 30, 1995 (2,200) Skip defeated Aldo Montoya Jean Pierre Lafitte defeated Duke Drose Hunter Hearst Helmsley defeated Phil Apollo (sub. for the Undertaker) (w/ Mr. Fuji & Jim Cornette) fought King Mabel (w/ Sir Mo) to a double count-out at 5:12 when both men began brawling on the floor Razor Ramon pinned WWF IC Champion Dean Douglas at 11:01 to win the title with a back suplex, even though Douglas foot was outside the ring during the cover; immediately prior to the match, Douglas was awarded the championship by WWF President Gorilla Monsoon due to Michaels not being able to defend the title due to injuries sustained in a beating he took outside a nightclub in Syracuse, NY (Winter Combat, The Best of In Your House) Davey Boy Smith (w/ Jim Cornette) defeated WWF World Champion Diesel via disqualification at 18:14 when Bret Hart, who was doing guest color commentary, climbed into the ring to attack the challenger after the challenger gave Hart a cheap shot on the floor; after the match, Diesel and Hart brawled in the ring before they were eventually held apart by referees as well as the Smoking Gunns, Henry Godwinn, Tony Garea, Rene Goulet, and Gerald Brisco (Winter Combat)Dark matches after the show: Henry Godwinn pinned Psycho Sid Owen Hart & Yokozuna (w/ Mr. Fuji & Jim Cornette) defeated Savio Vega & Bam Bam Bigelow when Yoko pinned Vega Bret Hart (w/ Brett MacNeil & Miles Gorrell of the CFL Winnipeg Blue Bombers) defeated Isaac Yankem DDS (w/ Jerry Lawler & Skip) via submission with the Sharpshooter, WWF @ Brandon, Manitoba Keystone Centre October 23, 1995 (2,000)Monday Night Raw:Included a non-televised in-ring segment in which Vince McMahon spoke with WWF World Champion Diesel in the ring about his match this Sunday at the Survivor Series with Bret Hart, which was interrupted by Owen Hart, Yokozuna, & Davey Boy Smith; Bret then came out to even the odds and Bret and Diesel cleared the ring before coming to blows with each other; the scheduled Undertaker vs. Goldust and WWF IC Champion Razor Ramon vs. Isaac Yankem DDS matches were cancelled10/23/95 (2.2) featured an opening clip showing Bret Hart brawling with WWF World Champion Diesel the previous night at In Your House; hosted by Vince McMahon & Jerry Lawler; included highlights from the Diesel vs. Davey Boy Smith match the previous night, leading to Hart and Diesel brawling; featured a Survivor Series Slam Jam segment with Dok Hendrix in which it was announced a Wildcard Survivor Series match would be held at the next pay-per-view, pitting captain Shawn Michaels, Ahmed Johnson, Davey Boy Smith, & Psycho Sid against captain Dean Douglas, Owen Hart, WWF IC Champion Razor Ramon, & Yokozuna; moments later, Hendrix briefly cut to Bob Backlund in the arena campaigning for US President; comments then aired from Johnson about his participation in the upcoming Wildcard match; included a segment in which Barry Dadinski promoted the new Michaels and Hart cardboard standups, with a free classic WWF video tape with orders placed that night; featured an ad promoting Goldust facing Savio Vega the following week; included Jim Ross conducting a closing backstage interview with Michaels about having to give up the IC title the previous night, being part of the Wildcard match at Survivor Series, and his recovery from injuries sustained in Syracuse: Owen Hart (w/ Jim Cornette) won a 20-man battle royal by last eliminating Marty Jannetty at 20:07; stipulations stated the winner would challenge WWF IC Champion Razor Ramon the following week; prior to the bout, pre-taped comments aired from Psycho Sid and Jannetty; other participants included: King Kong Bundy, Isaac Yankem DDS, Kama, Psycho Sid, Henry Godwinn, Duke Drose, Jean Pierre Lafitte, Skip, Barry Horowitz, the 1-2-3 Kid, Aldo Montoya, Savio Vega, Hunter Hearst Helmsley, Fatu, Hakushi, Bob Holly, Rad Radford, and Bam Bam Bigelow; Razor was shown watching the match backstage during the bout; order of elimination: Bundy by Godwinn, Fatu, Radford, Bigelow, & Drose at around the 15-second mark; Aldo by Skip at 1:30; Holly by Sid at around the 4-minute mark; Drose by Sid at around 4:30; Hakushi by Skip at 5:00; Fatu by Kama via an uppercut; Skip by Horowitz via a backdrop at 6:00; Godwinn by Yankem & Lafitte; Radford by Bigelow; Kama by Savio & Bigelow; Horowitz was eliminated; Helmsley was eliminated; the Kid was eliminated; Yankem by Sid at 9:15; Sid by Bigelow at 10:30; Bigelow by Lafitte via a clothesline; Savio by Jannetty via a headscissors at 16:40; Lafitte by Jannetty at 16:45 via a backdrop; Jannetty by Owen at 20:07; late in the contest, Davey Boy Smith attacked Jannetty at ringside before throwing him back into the ring; Waylon Mercy, Yokozuna, and Razor Ramon were originally scheduled to participate, prior to In Your House, but were substituted; after the commercial break, Jerry Lawler interviewed Owen, with Cornette, at ringside about challenging for the IC title the following week Avatar (Al Snow) pinned Brian Walsh at 2:25 with a standing moonsault and splash; prior to the match, Avatar came out unmasked, put his mask on before the match, and unmasked after the contest (Avatars debut) (Before they Were Superstars 2) Alundra Blayze pinned WWF Womens Champion Bertha Faye (w/ Harvey Wippleman) to win the title with the German suplex into a bridge at around the 9-minute mark after Bertha collided with Wippleman on the ring apron; prior to the bout, footage was shown of Bertha winning the title from Alundra at Summer Slam; after the contest, Bertha chased Wippleman backstage10/30/95 (2.1) included a Halloween-themed open hyping the WWF IC Champion Razor Ramon vs. Owen Hart and Goldust vs. Savio Vega matches; hosted by Vince McMahon, dressed as a prisoner, & Jerry Lawler, dressed as a surgeon; featured a Survivor Series Slam Jam segment in which Dok Hendrix announced the Bret Hart vs. WWF World Champion Diesel match would be No DQ, no count-out, and no time limit; included a backstage segment showing the 1-2-3 Kid apparently holding Razor back after an off-camera backstage altercation with Owen; featured a Karate Fighters ad in which Barry Horowitz beat Hakushi in a Karate Fighters match; included McMahon conducting an in-ring interview with Jim Cornette, with Clarence Mason, and Davey Boy Smith in which Cornette said he and Smith were upset because the plan announced by WWF President Gorilla Monsoon was for Bret to face the winner of Smith vs. Diesel at Survivor Series, but Smith won the match with Diesel; Cornette then said Smith had Diesel beat until Hart interfered at In Your House; Cornette then said he had to once again turn to Mason to right the wrong; Mason went on to say that Monsoons actions would not be tolerated and that a match pitting Smith against Hart would take place in the near future; Cornette went on to dispute Smith being in the Wildcard match at Survivor Series and having to face Owen Hart and Yokozuna on the other team; McMahon asked Cornette about facing Marty Jannetty the following week, with Cornette saying it was something Smith shouldnt have to deal with; Smith went on to say Jannetty had no right to get in the ring with him, prompting Jannetty to run out, dropkick Smith from behind out of the ring, hit a flying elbow to Cornette, and then corner Mason before eventually letting him go; featured a backstage promo by Bret on challenging Diesel at Survivor Series; included a promo by Paul Bearer in which he warned King Mabel that the Undertaker was returning: Goldust pinned Savio Vega at around the 8-minute mark with an armbar into a cradle (Goldusts Raw debut) Marty Jannetty pinned Joe Dorgan with the flying fistdrop at 2:44; during the bout, it was noted Jannetty would face Davey Boy Smith the following week and Jerry Lawler & Isaac Yankem would face Bret Hart & Hakushi WWF Tag Team Champions the Smoking Gunns defeated Phil Apollo & John Rashner when Billy scored the pin following the Sidewinder at 2:51; prior to the match, footage was shown of the Gunns beating Razor Ramon & the 1-2-3 Kid at In Hour House before the Kid attacked the Gunns; during the match, the Kid cut a backstage promo apologizing to the Gunns for his behavior at In Your House and asking for another title shot for he and Razor WWF IC Champion Razor Ramon defeated Owen Hart (w/ Jim Cornette) via disqualification at around the 16-minute mark when Yokozuna climbed in the ring and pulled Owen out of an attempted Razors Edge; during Owens entrance, Barry Dadinski shilled toy title belts in the aisle, with free 8x10s of Razor or WWF World Champion Diesel if fans ordered that night; early in the match, it was noted Shawn Michaels would be back in action later that week in Cincinnati, OH; Yoko and Mr. Fuji appeared ringside at the 4-minute mark; after the match, the 1-2-3 Kid attempted to make the save but was beaten down by Owen and Yoko, prompting Ahmed Johnson to come to the ring and hit a bodyslam on Yoko; as the show went off the air, Davey Boy Smith climbed in the ring but opted not to fight Ahmed (Ahmeds Raw debut)11/6/95 (2.6) featured an opening recapping Ahmed Johnson slamming Yokozuna the previous week and hyping the coming broadcast; hosted by Vince McMahon & Dok Hendrix, subbing for Jerry Lawler; included pre-recorded comments by Bill Clinton beside the Washington Monument, saying he would be on hand for the Survivor Series; featured a backstage segment in which Bret Hart and Barry Horowitz tried to communicate with Hakushi about Hakushis tag team match with Bret later in the broadcast; included footage from WWF Superstars of Bam Bam Bigelow confronting Goldust and challenging him to a match, with the announcement then made that the match would take place at the Survivor Series; featured an ad promoting WWF WrestleMania The Arcade Game; included a Survivor Series Slam Jam segment in which it was announced the Dark Side (the Undertaker, Fatu, Henry Godwinn, & Savio Vega) would face the Royals (King Mabel, Jerry Lawler, Hunter Hearst Helmsley, & Isaac Yankem DDS); a vignette then aired of Taker, his face not shown, and Paul Bearer about Takers return at Survivor Series; pre-taped comments then aired from WWF World Champion Diesel on facing Bret at the event; featured the announcement WWF IC Champion Razor Ramon would defend against Psycho Sid the following week, with the 1-2-3 Kid the guest referee and the added stipulations the title could change hands on a disqualification or count-out; included WWF Tag Team Champions the Smoking Gunns squaring off in a Karate Fighters showdown, with Billy Gunn winning; featured a closing teaser for the following weeks show with footage from the pre-taped matches: Davey Boy Smith (w/ Jim Cornette) pinned Marty Jannetty with the running powerslam at around the 11-minute mark after Jannetty hit the steel ring post shoulder-first; prior to the bout, footage was shown of Jannetty attacking Smith the previous week during an interview segment; during the match, Clarence Mason gave pre-taped comments that Smith would challenge for the WWF World Title and face the winner of the Bret Hart vs. Diesel Survivor Series match at the December In Your House; after the contest, Dok Hendrix conducted a ringside interview with Smith and Cornette about Smiths upcoming WWF World Title match and being part of the Wildcard match at Survivor Series Henry Godwinn pinned Terry Richards (Rhyno) with the Slop Drop at 2:06; prior to the bout, footage was shown from two weeks ago on WWF Superstars of a confrontation between Godwinn and Hunter Hearst Helmsley; it was announced during the match that Godwinn would face Helmsley the following week; after the bout, Godwinn went to slop Richards but was attacked from behind by Helmsley; Helmsley then dropped Godwinn with the Pedigree outside the ring, put on white gloves, and slopped Godwinn Kama (w/ Ted Dibiase) pinned Tony Roy at 3:12 with a punch to the face; prior to the bout, it was announced Bret Hart and WWF World Champion Diesel would have a face-to-face interview the following week; during Kamas entrance, Barry Dadinski shilled 1,000 WWF pogs; it was noted Ahmed Johnson would make his Raw debut the following week; during the contest, Shawn Michaels called in to the announce team to discuss his return to the ring the previous weekend in Cincinnati, being part of the Survivor Series Wildcard match, and the Bret Hart vs. WWF World Champion Diesel match at the event Jerry Lawler & Isaac Yankem DDS defeated Bret Hart & Hakushi (w/ Barry Horowitz) via disqualification at around the 13-minute mark after Horowitz stole a chair away from Lawler, with referee Tim White turning around to spot Horowitz with the weapon11/13/95 (2.6) included an opening video hyping the WWF IC Champion Razor Ramon vs. Psycho Sid main event, with news that Razor and the 1-2-3 Kid had several altercations during the World Tour de Force events the previous weekend; those incidents caused WWF President Gorilla Monsoon to change the title match to a non-title match with the Kid the guest referee; hosted by Vince McMahon & Jerry Lawler; featured a Survivor Series Slam Jam segment with Dok Hendrix in which footage was shown from WWF Superstars of Psycho Sid and Ted Dibiase confronting Davey Boy Smith and Jim Cornette about the upcoming Wildcard match; included a video package focusing on Shawn Michaels; featured a segment in which Barry Dadinski shilled the 1996 WWF calendar, which you could get with free WWF World Champion Diesel sunglasses and gloves if you ordered that night; included footage of Bret and Diesel brawling at In Your House; featured McMahon speaking, via satellite, with Bret and Diesel about their upcoming title match at Survivor Series; included a Karate Fighters segment in which Lawler beat McMahon, only for it to be revealed Lawler cheated to make sure his action figure wouldnt be knocked off;: Henry Godwinn fought Hunter Hearst Helmsley to a double count-out at around the 1:35 mark when, after Godwinn slopped himself, he chased Helmsley to the floor and all the way backstage; prior to the bout, footage was shown of Helmsley slopping Godwinn the previous week; it was noted during Godwinns entrance that the 1-2-3 Kid was slopped over the weekend Ahmed Johnson pinned Jake Steele with the Tiger Bomb at 2:28; during the match, Shawn Michaels gave pre-taped comments about tagging with Ahmed at Survivor Series; it was then noted Michaels would face Owen Hart the following week on Raw; after the bout, Vince McMahon interviewed Ahmed at ringside about being part of the Survivor Series (Ahmeds in-ring debut on Raw) King Mabel (w/ Sir Mo) pinned Roy Raymond with a belly to belly suplex at 3:02; prior to the bout, footage was shown of King Mabel injuring the Undertaker the previous month on Raw; early in the match, the Undertaker his face not shown cut a promo on getting revenge on Mabel at Survivor Series; during the contest, a Jim Ross Superstar Line story about injuries to Survivor Series participants was hyped Psycho Sid (w/ Ted Dibiase) pinned WWF IC Champion Razor Ramon at the 12-minute mark with the powerbomb and a fast count from guest referee the 1-2-3 Kid, moments after the Kid pulled Sid out of an attempted Razors Edge; prior to the bout, footage was shown of WWF Tag Team Champions the Smoking Gunns facing Razor & the Kid during WWF Superstars the previous weekend; at the 6-minute mark, Dean Douglas appeared ringside, eventually attacking Ramon on the floor behind the referees back; after the match, Dibiase stuffed a $5 Canadian bill into Razors mouth, with the Kid later taking the money and putting it in his pocket; following the commercial break, Jim Ross conducted a backstage interview with Douglas, Owen Hart, Mr. Fuji, Yokozuna, and Jim Cornette about Douglas attacking Razor during the match; moments later, Razor came after Douglas just as the broadcast endedDark match after the taping: WWF World Champion Diesel & Marty Jannetty defeated Owen Hart & Davey Boy Smith when Diesel pinned Smith with the powerbomb; the bout was originally scheduled as a 6-man tag with Diesel/Bret Hart/Shawn Michaels vs. Owen Hart/Davey Boy Smith/Yokozuna, WWF @ Regina, Saskatchewan Agridome October 24, 1995Rescheduled from 10/27/95WWF Superstars taping: Savio Vega pinned Joe Jordan with a spin wheel kick Avatar pinned Skip (w/ Sunny) with a powerbomb Henry Godwinn & Bam Bam Bigelow defeated Kama & King Kong Bundy WWF Tag Team Champions the Smoking Gunns defeated Jerry Lawler & Isaac Yankem DDS when Billy pinned Lawler with a sunset flip into the ring WWF World Champion Diesel, Ahmed Johnson (sub. for Bam Bam Bigelow) via submission with the Sharpshooter5/15/95 included an in-ring interview conducted by Vince McMahon in which Bob Backlund announced that he was thinking about running for President, with a band then coming ringside and playing Hail to the Chief; featured McMahon interviewing Savio Vega regarding his surprise debut appearance at In Your House; included a pre-taped promo by Ted Dibiase in which he challenged WWF World Champion Diesel & Bam Bam Bigelow to face his combination of Psycho Sid & Tatanka; featured the announcement that Shawn Michaels would face King Kong Bundy in a King of the Ring qualifying match the following week: WWF Tag Team Champion Yokozuna defeated Nick Barberry & Bill Weaver in a handicap match Man Mountain Rock defeated Iron Mike Sharpe via submission with an arm barKOTR Qualifying Match: Bob Holly pinned Mantaur (w/ Jim Cornette) with a missile dropkick and crossbody off the top at 5:29 Bam Bam Bigelow (w/ WWF World Champion Diesel) pinned IRS (w/ Ted Dibiase) at 7:04 with a falling headbutt after ramming IRS into an exposed turnbuckle; prior to the bout, Bigelow announced Diesel as being his surprise cornerman for the match; Ted Dibiase escorted IRS to the ring before the match but was chased backstage early on by Diesel; after the match, Dibiase returned ringside alongside Psycho Sid & Tatanka5/22/95 featured a Bob Backlund vignette in which he gave several examples of what he would do if elected President; included footage of Stephanie Wiand giving Matt Pompacilli the keys to his Orlando vacation home, with a brief appearance from the Bushwhackers; included the announcement that WWF IC Champion Jeff Jarrett would battle the Undertaker the following week in a King of the Ring qualifying match; featured the announcement of the first name to be inducted into the WWF Hall of Fame the night before the King of the Ring in Philadelphia Antonina Rocca; included a closing segment in which Jerry Lawler faked an injury to avoid commenting on Harts challenge earlier in the night, followed by pre-taped comments from the Undertaker on facing Jarrett the following week: Razor Ramon (w/ Savio Vega) pinned Mike Bell at 4:17 by shoving Bell to the mat and placing one foot on his chest after seemingly changing his mind about hitting the Razors Edge, moments after a back suplex off the top; prior to the bout, footage was shown of Vega making the save for Razor at In Your House; during the match, Vince McMahon & Jerry Lawler discussed Razors qualifying for the King of the Ring over the weekend as well as his brief weekend reign as 4-time IC Champion; immediately after the bout, a furious Bret Hart came ringside to confront Jerry Lawler about the embarrassing loss sustained at In Your House; during the segment, Hart slapped Lawlers headset off, repeatedly asked what it would take to get a rematch, and said You know what you are? for WWF World Champion Diesel) pinned Psycho Sid, WWF @ Regina, Saskatchewan Agridome May 27, 1995Rescheduled from 3/4 Techno Team 2000 defeated Tom Prichard & Mantaur (sub. WWF CHALLENGE 1995. WWF @ Stockton, CA Memorial Civic Auditorium March 13, 1995Monday Night Raw taping: The Undertaker pinned King Kong Bundy (sub. for Bret Hart) Tatanka defeated Man Mountain Rock Skip defeated Barry Horowitz WWF IC Champion Jeff Jarrett defeated Razor Ramon in a ladder match Jacob & Eli Blu defeated the New Headshrinkers Bret Hart (sub. for WWF World Champion Diesel) pinned Psycho Sid, WWF @ Winnipeg, Manitoba Arena May 28, 1995 (2,500)The 1-2-3 Kid vs. the Roadie was originally scheduled for the show Techno Team 2000 defeated Tom Prichard & Mantaur (sub. for Kama) Duke Drose vs. Mantaur Lex Luger vs. Tatanka Bob Backlund vs. Adam Bomb (submission match) Doink the Clown vs. the Brooklyn Brawler WWF Tag Team Champions the Smoking Gunns vs. the Heavenly Bodies. WWF @ Albuquerque, NM Tingley Coliseum January 6, 1995The scheduled Mabel vs. Bam Bam Bigelow match was cancelled Bob Holly pinned Henry Godwinn Duke Drose pinned Mantaur Lex Luger fought Tatanka to a double count-out Aldo Montoya pinned the Brooklyn Brawler The New Headshrinkers defeated Well Dunn WWF IC Champion Razor Ramon pinned Jeff Jarrett, WWF @ Winnipeg, Manitoba Arena January 6, 1995 (4,000) The Bushwhackers (sub. for Lex Luger) vs. Tatanka (Indian strap match) Razor Ramon vs. King Mabel, WWF @ Sudbury, Ontario Community Arena September 9, 1995 Aldo Montoya vs. Hunter Hearst Helmsley Henry Godwinn vs. Dean Douglas Fatu vs. Waylon Mercy Barry Horowitz vs. Skip The 1-2-3 Kid vs. Jean-Pierre Lafitte WWF Tag Team Champions Owen Hart & Yokozuna vs. the Smoking Gunns Bret Hart vs. Isaac Yankem DDS The Undertaker vs. Kama (casket match) WWF IC Champion Shawn Michaels vs. Psycho Sid, WWF @ Orlando, FL September 11, 1995 (600) Hakushi defeated Rad Radford Savio Vega pinned Duke Drose WWF Womens Champion Bertha Faye pinned Alundra Blayze with her feet on the ropes Davey Boy Smith pinned Bam Bam Bigelow after sending Bigelow head-first into an unprotected turnbuckle Goldust pinned Bob Holly with the Curtain Call Jacob & Eli Blu defeated the Bushwhackers after the Blus switched places and hit a boot to the face Razor Ramon pinned Sir Mo (sub. WWF @ Phoenix, AZ America West Arena March 2, 1995 Aldo Montoya defeated Kwang Duke Drose defeated Mantaur Henry Godwinn defeated Doink the Clown The Bushwhackers defeated the Heavenly Bodies King Kong Bundy defeated Adam Bomb Bam Bam Bigelow defeated the Undertaker via disqualification WWF World Champion Diesel & Razor Ramon defeated Shawn Michaels & WWF IC Champion Jeff Jarrett Bret Hart defeated Owen Hart with the Sharpshooter, WWF @ Yuma, AZ Desert Sun Stadium March 3, 1995, WWF @ San Bernardino, CA National Orange Show March 4, 1995Segments of the show were filmed by MTV Sports, hosted by Dan Cortese, and aired during the 4/1/95 episode; during the episode, Cortese was shown training in the ring before the show with WWF World Champion Diesel, the 1-2-3 Kid, and Aldo Montoya; later in the show, Cortese was kicked out of the heel locker room after having a confrontation with Shawn Michaels, Bam Bam Bigelow, WWF IC Champion Jeff Jarrett and others Aldo Montoya vs. Kwang Duke Drose vs. Mantaur Doink the Clown vs. Henry Godwinn Men on a Mission vs. the Heavenly Bodies Adam Bomb vs. King Kong Bundy Razor Ramon vs. Owen Hart Bret Hart vs. Shawn Michaels WWF World Champion Diesel (w/ Dan Cortese) & the Undertaker (w/ Paul Bearer) defeated Bam Bam Bigelow & WWF IC Champion Jeff Jarrett when Diesel pinned Jarrett following the powerbomb, WWF @ Regina, Saskatchewan Agridome March 4, 1995Rescheduled for 5/27, WWF @ Denver, CO Coliseum March 5, 1995 (2,300) Aldo Montoya defeated Kwang Duke Drose defeated Mantaur Henry Godwinn defeated Doink the Clown The Bushwhackers defeated the Heavenly Bodies King Kong Bundy defeated Adam Bomb Bam Bam Bigelow defeated the Undertaker via disqualification WWF World Champion Diesel & Razor Ramon defeated Shawn Michaels & WWF IC Champion Jeff Jarrett Bret Hart defeated Owen Hart via submission with the Sharpshooter, WWF @ Honolulu, HI Blaisdell Center March 11, 1995Cancelled, WWF @ Anaheim, CA Arrowhead Pond March 12, 1995 (7,000) Kwang pinned Gary Key with a spin wheel kick at 4:18 Hakushi pinned the 1-2-3 Kid at 6:15 after turning an attempted spin wheel kick into a powerbomb and a running senton; Kid sustained a concussion in the match WWF Womens Champion Bull Nakano pinned Alundra Blayze with a powerbomb and putting her feet on the ropes at 8:04; Bob Holly disputed the call after the match but the decision stood Bob Backlund defeated Bob Holly at 8:43 via submission with the Crossface Chicken Wing after Holly thought he had scored the pinfall WWF World Champion Diesel & Razor Ramon defeated Shawn Michaels & WWF IC Champion Jeff Jarrett via disqualification at 14:19 when Psycho Sid interfered and attacked Diesel; the match came down to Michaels vs. Diesel after Razor was injured and helped backstage by officials while the Roadie helped a stunned Jarrett backstage minutes later; the Undertaker eventually came to Diesels aid against Sid and Michaels Jacob & Eli Blu defeated the New Headshrinkers at 8:08 after Fatu was clotheslined by the illegal Blu The Undertaker defeated Bam Bam Bigelow via disqualification at 11:08 when Bob Backlund interfered, attempted to apply the Crossface Chicken Wing on the Undertaker, but was quickly thrown to the floor Bret Hart defeated Owen Hart via submission to the Sharpshooter in a No Holds Barred match at 5:47; after the bout, Bret kept the hold applied for several moments before letting go.

Keara Sexton Chad Gilbert, Articles W