is catmint invasive

I finally got talked into more expensive bird seed. Put pure concentrated Roundup, heavy plastic then mulch and it still came through all of it and spreads to actual grass. Everyone in my cul-de-sac has lovely displays, but they're almost all the same plants. I don't think it will grow in zones 2 and 3, though. around the house. I started yanking it out about 5 years ago, and all through growing season I'm on the lookout for seedlings to pull. It's a mother all right. Aquilegia (colombine) When I lived in Southern Ontario I did find that Chinese lanterns spread quickly but when I lived farther north I could barely get them to grow. All of them are invasive in our climate. Growing up to 3 feet tall and 4 feet wide, this is one of the largest cultivars and easily one of the showiest. Local garden clubs and master gardeners are also great resources here in the USA. My #2 worst idea has to be planting Mother of Thyme. * Required FieldsWe will never sell or distribute your email to any other parties or organizations. It's true, this is intended for zones 2 and 3. Look it up! I have found the only way is to actually dig them up and sift thru all of the dirt to get every little root and even then I still have to dig some up the next year. Gardening here is a constant search for "what plant refuses to die" and it's mostly an exercise in futility. They end up everywhere, can't stop them. I think I've killed about half of the things on this list- by accident. My unintentional perennial invader: Alfalfa! It is impossible to get rid of. May Night Salvia (salvia x sylvestris 'May Night') which prolifically reseeds into your lawn. Thank you! As for lily of the valley, they will destroy your asphalt driveways and kill off other plants if you let them do their thing. However, unless you only have a few, I think it would be quite an annoying solution. Wow! I planted a flower that looks like a daylily but the purple blooms bloom only in the mornings and I planted it a few years ago now it's has taken over my whole yard. The catnip plant Nepeta cataria is commonly confused with the catmint plant Nepeta mussinii. This post is meant to be more of an opinion post and a bit tongue in cheek. Most of Saskatchewan is zone 3A or 3B. Combine 1 gallon (64 oz.) I'd rather see a plot of wild flowers growing and bees, hummingbirds and butterflies than being concerned about what is in the garden. When a plants other name is Speedwell, you know its going to overtake your garden in short order. I agree with Cindy and Debbie. Perennial in USDA Zones 3-8. No maintence. From spring (after the last threat of frost has passed) through early fall. hi from Washington state; the Pacific Northwest. Roses present a challenge but also can provide many potential rewards. Thank you. Spreads like wildfire, loved all the information,,,,was looking for care and why i should rip out my ivy before it moves into my house, I would add creeping Charlie and creeping myrtle (vinca, periwinkle- it has many names. I agree, I have Shasta Daisy's and they have been growing for about 8 years. They complement the hostas in my shady woodland garden and the ones I have dont seem too aggressive. People sharing their experiences with plants that grow in their zones or invade the yard depending on where they live, soils and other factors. I am in zone 5 so I can't directly comment on colder zones. Yes, irises are also short lived, but I really like the deep purple color of my tall Siberian iris. The standard purple Violet can be super invasive. You list many of the plants as terrible because they spread and overtake your garden in a couple years. EVERYWHERE! As someone with a degree in plant and soil sciences and an agricultural extension employee I find this article troubling. This true catnip is easily grown full sun to part shade, in average, well-drained soils. I have arthritis. They spread like crazy unless contained and need to be divided on a regular basis. Many of the plants you list are not a problem here, others are. I had to re-paint the side of my house where it was growing. Thank You! Made the mistake of bringing it to my new house which has a small lot, Unless you like that sort of thing. Sadly I have a terrible problem with daylillies. This beautiful herb is so aggressive it will grow in gravel. It's poisonous to birds and yet garden centers sell it anyway. Are you sure that the "Campanula" you have pictured isn't Adenophora, sometimes called False Campanula. Good article. So, I guess I'll find out if it's true they are hardy and maintenance-free this spring (5 months from now), as I did absolutely nothing last fall. You are so right, they fill in nicely and then take over, so plant carefully. The orange "ditch" daylily hemerocallis fulva is also a thug, and flowers poorly. TESTIMONY: I planted spearmint in my vegetable/flower bed last year (1st time in new home!) Everywhere. A very hoity toity landscaping firm planted it my front garden bed as a flowering plant. It pretty quickly became a bush, then a very unruly, woody shrub.. it is too big, with its unattractive, twisty woody parts, for the front of the garden. I moved from that century home last November and have a DO NOT BUY LIST for my new home which includes almost all the plants, with the exception of daylilies, on your list! My neighbor planted some kind of beach grass in her back yard. Goats brought in did not control it. Then I fill it with soil and plant the misbehaving plant inside the bucket. I've gotten so many other excellent suggestions that I'll definitely be making a follow up post. That being said, if you do not have the time to keep at these perennials, you will have a forest of flowers and no time to control them. Mint doesn't even grow well here. I am also fighting the little monsters who show up no where near where I originally planted them. Sweet Autumn clematis (with the tiny flowers), wisteria, and morning glories were my other big mistakes. Dont Roto till!!! 20 Drought-Tolerant Plants for Your Garden I moved into a home over a year ago whoever was here before me stuck plants in any free space they could find and a lot of them spread.. so, no it hasnt been fun for someone whose not a Sweet Young thing, who has a bad back and other pain issues to try to get my yard under control. garden on folks!!!!! Seek. Mostly it doesn't rain, and things catch fire. However, if you love it, you should plant it. I've practically killed myself in this yard and I want someone to continue to love it. Have you considered mulch around your plants and on your pathways? 7b 8a here. just dont let go to seed.if you stage your garden different things bloom at different times not everything blooms at once.i know my [primula and prime rose and spring bulbs welcome spring them globe flowers iris columbines elephant ears annuals peonys lilies asters mums.IF I WANTED THE SAME THING ALL SEASON ID PLANT ANNUALS AND THATS TOO EXPENSIVE.FOR MY BUDGET. Enjoyed your post! That's incredible! So many times she agrees to plant what you love. Our neighbor invited us to have ice tea on their back porch covered by Virginia Creeper. . 4. I'd love to see your pics! Chameleon Plant Mulch will help retain moisture and keep down weeds. I love, love, love my daylilies. Yes, it replants its self and also the birds spread the seeds some but that is not a problem. If you love the classic combination of lavender and roses but find lavender too finicky to grow in this area, catmint is a good substitute. 10. I have many of these plants and do not regret planting any of them. Great tips! I'll have to check yours out as well! At one time had them all over my yard. Learn more about them, along with timely planting advice, garden design inspiration, practical tips and more in our weekly newsletter. If you love it, you should plant it ;-). person a drink and ask many serious questions about life. The more I pull them up, the faster they spread. I found this on Pinterest, and although its an interesting read, Im a little concerned. But I dont recommend it if youre brand new to gardening, as you likely will not remember to bring them in for the winter. Don't agree with most of this. These "Perennials" found new homes and we will be celebrating our Canada Day 150th Birthday! Best thing to control chives, in addition to container planting, remove ALL the pretty purple flowers before they go to seed. This Spring and Summer, I transplanted these variety of "Perennials" in paper Solo brand soup cups and gave them away to our Scarborough community residents, as well as in our churches. So, while pollinating the flowers of your catmint, bees could displace some seeds and spread them around your garden where they'll grow. Ground elder grows well too, but it is edible and our ducks will eat it all and to the ground by the end of summer and give us eggs, so it's a win win. Plus constant mowing to drain the energy from the rhizomes. We moved from Ottawa to Woodstock, Ontario last year in September, and I discovered in the spring that the previous owners had planted wild raspberries in the back corner of the yard, and had allowed it to get out of control. I have a dog, and we have a stray cat that hangs around our house. I'm not opposed to the hollyhocks, just that they cover everything with their huge leaves the first year b/4 they bloom the second year. I'm sorry your growing conditions are so tough! 14 to 18 inches tall, 18 to 30 inches wide. Plant once and have flowers that bloom for years. And its flowers are purple while catnip's are primarily white. Gonna try a knife and hope I don't hurt my 2 colors on one plant Bougainvillea. ! Bell Flower was here when i moved in over 12 years ago. ever tried sweet potato (yam) on a trellis? Avoid it. Have ferns all over the place. Its a lively exchange between gardeners.She warmly agrees that the plants she finds invasive might not seem that way to others. Kills native butterflies by mimicking native mustards. I have not found many of these difficult to control and love that they compete well with each other and provide a nice textural structure without a lot of messing around, allowing me to focus efforts on establishing the specimens such as a garnet laceleaf japanese maple (which by the way the lillies of the valley work wonderfully underneath). The mint "walked" over the lip to the surrounding ground. Tried saving its seeds and planting, but they wouldn't come up. I'd love to know how your perennials do this year. I see another 10 i'd love to have..invasive or not ! The roots travel just below the surface, so, unfortunately, chemicals are the only way to get them under control. Only a fool or unlearned person would purposely plant them. This year they tho there are more than last year. I like vining plants like star jasmine, pink jasmine, banks rose and tangerine beauty. I found that out just recently. Irises are so gorgeous, but it seems like they last for 2 days and then theyre done. Never again. Had them dug out but there was always one sweat potato left to take off and cover the whole bed. When I still lived in a house I read somewhere to plant mint in a pot and sink it in tho soil. I knowright? Everyone has their opinion on what they like, but I would have appreciated the warning on some of these before I planted them. I think as long as the seeds have dropped so they can re-seed themselves, you should be fine. 7 @$!#% years to get rid of it! 12-14" tall x 18-20" spread. Even my next door neighbor has pretty flowers and helps me to take care of mine too. Personally I prefer native plants. I'm a complete gardening novice & all this info leaves me rather breathless, wondering what I should try to beautify the small strips of space in front of my newly rented duplex in Vancouver, USA. It blooms profusely for months on end, from late spring through midsummer. But mine are not as avaseive as some have claimed. 1. While "catnip" is the most famous type of catmint plant, there are numerous other kinds. I do have a small patch of land that I'm filling with Chocolate Mint - it smells/tastes wonderful! I planted most of those invasive plants and then some (Lamb's Ears, Hops vine , also invasive, and other plants that were given to me over the years). Its billowing foliage is topped with spikes of flowers in early summer . I didn't know that you can grow peonies in containers. Creeping Jenny. Happy gardening! However, some plants that seem innocent take over the garden and quickly spiral out of control. Oh no, that's sound terrible!! That sounds HORRIBLE!! I want to spare beginner gardeners some heartache until they gain the knowledge and experience to keep up with more aggressive plants. Attracts bees, butterflies and other beneficial insects. During winter we do cut them down to the ground but they do come back every year. Great structure plant, but oh my!, just one season & it reseeded in the next three yards down the street. Proper siting is key. But my mint goes in a pot because for crying out loud it spreads EVERYWHERE. We finally put bricks around the feeders and filled in between them with a concrete filler. You're right, there isn't much that will grow under an evergreen tree. Thought very pretty, it popped up everywhere and was impossible to control. Unlike most, which produce flowers only at the tops of the stems, this one is smothered with indigo-blue blooms from the stem tips all the way down to the base. Once they are established they produce so many blooms on one plant that they bloom for weeks. I had originally planted it because it looked leafy & healthy. I use a weed killer with a dropper on ones that cannot be dug out without digging out the desired plant next to it. I've even had the help of my little grandsons to help dig up the spiderwort. Ox-eye daisy is much more invasive than Shasta (a hybrid) in North America. Our horror story was IVY! Tansy was the worst and has invaded my lawn. In the purple color spectrum, try pairing catmint with Purple Ruffles basil, drumstick alliums and purple coral bells, such as Heuchera Dolce 'Wildberry'. Faassen's catmint is sterile and won't self . Some species aren't so good for pollinators, though because they displace other species and form monocultures. Talk w pretty purple flowers. So how do we get rid of the bellflower and goutweed? I'm in Lancaster, PA. If you do buy a fern, buy it from an actual garden centre and ask the staff for advice on picking one. I have zero dirt to plant anything in so I have to have everything in pots. My master I love growing a garden & it's hard to find perinneals that can stand our long cold winters so I would love to see how they do this, I'm going to try growing morning glories in a hanging planter if you want my mailing address, email me at. Your growing conditions sound really tough! Download Now, Grab our 100 Zone 3 Perennials List!Download the Guide, Cold Climate Gardening, Cut Flowers & Perennials. Plant them with proper gaps and sunlight. If a plant has mint in its name, chances are it's super invasive. We ended up having to clear about 2 acres of dead trees and fallen trees. The buried container for planting mint didn't work for me. cest un article trs utile avec beaucoup d'information sur les plantes vivaces. Judy C. I find it rather sad that so many of the plants listed, really attract the pollinators. Whether theyre invasive, fast-spreading, short blooming, impossible to kill, or difficult to grow, the 30 perennials in this blog post are plants Id rather not see in my Zone 3 garden. I personally like having a Rhubarb plant, but any more than one is excessive. Typically, late spring to early summer into early fall, although some varieties bloom earlier and longer. I'm on a very limited budget, too. My wife loves them so I thought I could grow some in our garden as a surprise. here is an annual there. I've even tried to dig individual plants and disposing of them. don't want a lot of bees. They grow in any soil. I bought a house where mint was planted in the ground. Some species and environmental factors can make them invasive. The true catmint species described above is a big invasive plant. They said yes and I was off and running. Has worked wonders for me! From late spring onward, masses of fragrant two-lipped lavender-blue flowers tower above the dense gray-green foliage, creating an eye-catching display for the middle or back of sunny garden beds. And clover is wonderful for pollinators!!!! Although most prefer full sun, they wont mind a bit of afternoon shade, especially when grown in hot climates. I live in zone 9-10 and I warn people about Mexican evening primrose. It wasn't long & they were everywhere. Yes, it produces a lot of nectar for certain pollinator species at a certain time of the year. I love having fresh mint, so that was my easy solution! We can grow annuals like crazy? However it's an opinion, the most annoying plants which you'll regret truly hasn't been mentioned here. The second color didn't show up until last year. The root is too long and deep to dig it out. I've even salted the ground and my dogs have taken to peeing on it. But the mint, yes, I'll give you that one. I found the article very misleading, where you live often determines what is invasive and what is not. This made me want to run out and grab most of these plants for my garden! Don't plant them unless your ready to for that kind of commitment lol. Nope not bitter at all. The ivy literally chokes the life right out of them. I planted lily of the valley at the end of the driveway and yes it has spread everywhere but I dont care because its contained by a driveway. I keep the mint contained in its planter by using the hot salted water from cooking pasta or the hot vinegar when I clean the coffeemaker. Synonym(s): catmint, catwort, field balm: Native Range: Eurasia Selected Images from View All Images at . Selected as one of Colorado State University's Top Perennial Performers for the 2013 season, praised for its vigor, floriferous habit, and sterling performance as a groundcover. Pretty accurate. I'm sorry it offended you, and you're especially right about the daylilies. I expected an article on ecologically damaging or dangerous plants, but this turned out to be a little overwrought. Hate it, hate it, hate it. You can even dig that pot into the ground if you'd really like to keep it in the one area. If you purchase something from my link, I earn a smallcommission at no extra cost to you. If I remember correctly it is claimed to not alter the nutritional value of the seed for the birds, just sterilizes the seed so it won't germinate. I've read that is the Japanese or Chinese wisteria that is the invasive, but American wisteria is not. ..big mistake! I'm with you on this one. We t to see what they look like. Thanks so much for reading! 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