How to breed a mirror dragon in dragon city. For more mating dragon pairs that will result in a Cool Fire dragon, scroll down! Thanks to all authors for creating a page that has been read 176,053 times. Only the breeding refuge can produce Apocalypse Dragons. How to Play Gameplay Information, How to Play Wordle: A Beginner's Guide with Tips and Tricks. This article has been viewed 176,053 times. There are over 500 dragons to breed and collect to make your city grow!- New dragons join the game every week through breeding events and special islands.- Enjoy the adventure at the Dragon Quests and play against other Masters in the PvP Arenas to collect exclusive dragons, claim Warriors Chests, and climb up the leaderboards!- Summon dragons from a magical world at the Tree Of Life and try their skills.- Collect Orbs and empower your dragons: You'll see how their strength in battle grows!- Unlock advanced features like the Ancient World and the Guardian Dragons.- Be social: Join Alliances to play and battle with other masters, chat with them, collaborate in Alliance Races, and open Alliance Chests.There are over 80 million Dragon Masters. % of people told us that this article helped them. 3 Tap the "Breed" icon. If you like simulation games and are looking for an entertaining and exciting one, then we, Read More Kindergarten in Dragon CityContinue, Many players face difficulty in coping dragon city restart dilemma and ask about how to restart dragon city game. The Star dragon, a famous one in dragon city breeding guide, is the mascot of dragon city and you can see it shining in the night. This game was created by Socialpoint,, Read More How to Level Up Fast in Dragon CityContinue. !Use dragons that are level 15 or higher. Community Answer You can breed any dragon with a pure element or any dragon with a light element. dibantu ya!! Find breeding times, egg pictures, odds, and more at Dragon City Guide! This dragon can fly in the air for hours and it is a master of currents and can change its colors according to the weather. 'Light' : 'Dark'}} Mode. . This dragon is friends with all as it's the happiest and calmest dragon in the game. Its category should be EX-III-b, as it is a Rare Hybrid. Dragons earn different amounts of gold at each level. You can mix the similar ones as well. Its famous for its flying skills. We collected the result from all users used our tools to breed dragons. To breed a fallen angel, you need to breed the following. Its category should be EX-III-b, as it is a Rare Hybrid. This Dragon first appeared in the Black Market on 2012-12-14. There are multiple ways of breeding and in this article, we will learn dragon city how to breed guide. Please note that you must breed the dragons with the level requirements for a chance to get the them. Starting Income: 12 How do I make cool fire if it says that flame and ice are impossible? It can learn the flying kick, earthquake, and laser beam moves. The Ice&fire Dragon can also learn Ice moves. Its also famous for its flying skills. Were committed to providing the world with free how-to resources, and even $1 helps us in our mission. It was either a mistake as in they thought it could work, or it was possible in an older version and is not possible any longer. Sorry. The sharp structure of its crystal-like body is as strong as diamonds and so thick and hard-packed that it hardly melts in the heat of battle. 5/17/2013 in General. Possible to get if bred with pures that contain the dragons element. Why do you need to reference those result? How to Breed Ice&fire Dragon in Dragon City - Dragon City Guide Do Not Sell My Personal Information How to Breed a Ice&fire Dragon Breeding Time: 28:00:00 Show Basic Dragons Show All Dragons Get a Ice&Fire Dragon Quickest by Combining: Firebird Double Ice 10.00% Expected Time: 81:00:00 Parent Levels 20+ Sanctuary Level: 5 King Double Ice 10.00% Gallery Trainning Navigation These dragons are extremely powerful and useful in dragon city battles. Dragon City Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. cool fire dragon dragon city breeding. Read More How to Get Mr Beast Dragon in Dragon CityContinue, We are come up with a complete guide on how to sell dragons in Dragon City video game on the score of keen interest of users in merchandising Dragons. This Dragon first appeared in the Black Market on 2012-12-14. You can breed it by the following combination. Since the Cool Fire Dragon cannot be bred directly from the generation 1 dragons of flame and ice, you will have to use a flame hybrid dragon to mate with the ice dragon. That remains consistent on both platforms. Breeding Pure Dragons These can be breed using any of the 4 legendary dragons. Stage 4 Red Fire Dragon. From users. Sea Dragon Combinations Sea + Terra = Mud or Waterfall Sea + Flame = Cloud or Blizzard Sea + Nature = Nenufar or Coral Sea + Electric = Storm or Lantern Sea + Ice = Ice Cube or Ice Cream Sea + Metal = Seashell or Mercury That way you have %22.20 chance to get an Apocalypse Dragon. Hatching time: 15 hours. sma cranya Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah: v : ( p x l ) Use only hybrid dragons to get the Cool Fire dragon. A fallen angel is a rare dragon that has primary typing of light in the game that you get from play store. You cannot breed Electric and Nature directly to get Gummy Dragon. According to the northern myths, this dragon was punished by Deus, who snatched its angel status and sent him to earth. Why do we have those result? His life is a constant migration from the toasty equator to the chilly North so he can keep both sides satisfied. Steam is a very rare dragon. How to breed dujur dragon in dragon city? Dujur is an extremely rare dragon with a primary typing of flame and it can also learn ice and electric moves. Stunning Hit Damage: 638 | physical Primitive Ram Damage: 1000 | primal Nuclear Hit Damage: 1050 | fire Slash of Ages Damage: 1200 | primal TRAINABLE ATTACKS From theory. As everyone wants to know how to breed Ice&Fire Dragon, I do to. See what dragons the possible eggs are when breeding two dragons together! Ice King is a Pure primary element dragon and so cannot be critical hit by any attacks. How to breed medieval dragon in dragon city? After that, tap on the hatchery and click on Hatch to hatch your egg. This is how you breed a soccer dragon. Level 10 Volcano + Level 10 Alpine. Stats Avoid using Pure element based attacks against Ice King as they will have a weak effect. So during one of the tournament stages it says I need a level ten dragon with fire and ice. How to Breed ICE and FIRE Dragon in Dragon City 2019 BREEDING TIPS: ICE \u0026 FIRE Dragon 2019 ..! Home ujian nasional Ujian Nasional Sekolah Menengah Atas Tuliskan ciri-ciri retikulum endoplasma halus. As everyone wants to know how to breed Ice&Fire Dragon, I do to. The breeding tree is like an advanced breeding mountain, and the breeding sanctuary is where you can only get certain types of dragons. If you need any help, feel free to let me know by commenting below! Since the July 2013 Light/War update, you will need to breed the pure or pure hybrids together for a chance to get the legendary dragons. I think I may know how. See the next events happening in Dragon City! Punch Damage: 338 | physical Lava Balls Damage: 550 | fire Flaming Arrows Please note that you cannot breed Terra and Dark together for Armadillo dragon. Dragon City Hatching TimesDragons with hatching times listed as longer than 24:00:00 will be displayed differently in the game. Poo is no longer a rare hybrid and is actually an exclusive dragon. It look like Zippleback dragon from How To Train Your Dragon series. Metal and Terra cannot be breed to get Armadillo Dragon. The Gems to rush the hatching will give the correct number of hours in the Facebook App version. This blue dragon is beautiful and easy to breed. You can also speed up the process by using gems. Petroleum and Pirate dragon are now regular hybrids after the Light/War update of July 2013. For more mating dragon pairs that will result in a Cool Fire dragon, scroll down! cool fire dragon dragon city breeding. 2nd dragon in dragon city breeding guide, The burning is a rare dragon that has flame as primary typing. Here is the "hatch" image for Ice King. People were complaining they could not complete their dragon collection. if you dont no how to breed ice&fire try cool fire dragon and alpine dragon?>>>>.try it for your self?. It is a rare dragon with a primary typing of light. This dragon can also learn dark moves. Obviously, No player wants his or her, Read More How to Restart Dragon CityContinue, The Dragon City game is full of dragons plus people look for What are the Strongest Dragons in Dragon City? Breeding calculator. Pure Dark is the only one that has 2 heads. There are also other combinations, but these are the easiest ones to get. What is the difference between breeding places? To breed this dragon, make the following combination. No luck, Soccer(lvl 20) + Cool fire(lvl 10) = Soccer/Cool fire No Ice&fire Oh yes, I do get legendary types but no Ice&fire Dragon City Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. The Ice&Fire Dragon became breedable on 18 Feb 2014 as part of the Multiheaded Dragon Collection in the Dragon Book. His life is a constant migration from the equator to the Antarctic to keep both side satisfied in Dragon City.Using Firebird Dragon and breed with Ice Cream Dragon 5 stars! What are you waiting for? A player can have up to 5 kindergartens in the game. It is a common dragon with a primary type of metal that can also learn electric moves. Dragon City breeding guide for different dragons. Learn more Dragon City is an awesome game application that allows you to breed dragons in a magical world. Thing is, most if the breeding recipes I've seen are seemingly outdated, as I've bred them multiple times only to not get the dragons. It means this Dragon is not breedable by any parents. Tap on dragon images to go to full dragon information page. Dragon city breeding guide in this article make you enable on how you breed promethium dragon, Air is also a legendary dragon with a primary typing of legend. Due to the recent climate cha. Breeding hint: Use dragons level 15 or higher. There are also plenty of other combinations that will give you the rare hybrids. We welcome you all to the dragon city breeding guide in this article. War Dragon cannot be breed directly with Sea. Breeding Event is introduced by Dragon City in period time, during the Breeding Event, you must breed 2 parents required to get the dragon which is not breedable like (high, titan.). Find it on your tablet or phone and tap to open. The zombie dragon is available in the dragon black market and its the only breedable metal/dark hybrid dragon. For example, breeding mountain, breeding tree, breeding sanctuary, etc. Its too much work to describe it all, so I'll just post the best combination, and the link where you can find them all. Only problem is it won't let me breed them together. You need to combine the following types of dragons to breed mirror dragons. This dragon is friends with all as its the happiest and calmest dragon in the game. In order to get results like Diamond ( Gen EX-II-c) you will have to breed 2 dragons that contain together the elements terra, nature and ice. Breed a fire hybrid with ice or breed an ice hybrid with fire . It is a common dragon with a primary type of metal. As you can see there is no level of parents require.. but im gonna try breeding like the breeding style of coolfire and soccer.. its thesame elements; its worth a try.. try flaming rock with ice dragon its still breeding but i hope i get it:). To breed a moon dragon, do the following. By using this service, some information may be shared with YouTube. We use cookies to make wikiHow great. By signing up you are agreeing to receive emails according to our privacy policy. Its a common dragon with a primary type of metal. Ice, Light, and Dark moves are available to the Apocalypse Dragon. Photon(Light+Electric) + Rattlesnake(Nature + Dark) = Fallen Angel. To create this article, 15 people, some anonymous, worked to edit and improve it over time. How to breed archangel dragon in dragon city? This is how you can breed a gold dragon. The Ice&fire Dragon is a Rare Dragon with the primary typing of Flame. Pure Ice + Pure Dark Pure Terra + Pure Metal Pure Electric + Pure Nature The new breeding time for legendary dragons are 2 days and 6 hours. Its a common dragon with a primary typing of ice. You can however collect Ice \u0026 Fire Dragon orbs from chests and events may also come up that allow you to win him.DOWNLOAD OUR GAME HERE FOR FREE!!!! Description: An extremely conflicted creature that is very hard to capture! The time displayed in the Facebook App will be -1 hours for any time over 24 hours because the minutes and seconds are not displayed. Get the Electric Dragon Combinations Image. The Star dragon, a famous one in dragon city breeding guide, is the mascot of dragon city and you can see it shining in the night. How to breed Ice&Fire / Deep Red Dragons Question I've been getting back into Dragon City after a very long hiatus and I'm trying to breed the Ice&Fire and Deep Red Dragons in order to complete a collection. It has the capability to learn the dark, natural and electric moves. This result will let you know exactly what parent should be bred to get the expected result, it helps you save time and save your resources and avoid breeding wrong parent. Reply . These are the moves that Ice&fire Dragon can learn through training. The Ice King Dragon is a gelid killer. Ice&fire Dragon. This Dragon City android game is a whole new Dragon world that takes the gamer to think about ancient times, from feeding and training little hatched, Read More HOW TO SELL DRAGONS IN DRAGON CITYContinue, The dragon city game has many buildings, including the Kindergarten in dragon city. Please note that breeding Flame and Ice to get Cool fire dragon and soccer dragon is not possible here. Pretty cool! It has the ability to learn natures moves. As a small thank you, wed like to offer you a $30 gift card (valid at How to breed Ice Dragon in Dragon City? The Cool Fire Dragon is a Common Dragon with the primary typing of Flame. Basic attack skills Stunning Hit 638 physical - 12 hours 225 Ice Spikes 650 ice - 12 hours 143 These are the moves that Ice&fire Dragon will know upon hatching. Combos that will result in a Cool Fire dragon include a Pearl and Flaming Rock dragon, a Firebird and Ice dragon, and a Lava and Alpine dragon. Ice and Fire cannot be breed directly to get Cool Fire Dragon. My dream is to play and write about video games all day long. Having several dragons with different characters and appearance make the game, Read More What are the Strongest Dragons In Dragon City?Continue, How to Get Mr Beast Dragon in Dragon City. To beat Ice King and other Pure primary element dragons Legends work best. {"smallUrl":"https:\/\/\/images\/thumb\/7\/7e\/Make-a-Cool-Fire-Dragon-in-Dragon-City-Step-1-Version-2.jpg\/v4-460px-Make-a-Cool-Fire-Dragon-in-Dragon-City-Step-1-Version-2.jpg","bigUrl":"\/images\/thumb\/7\/7e\/Make-a-Cool-Fire-Dragon-in-Dragon-City-Step-1-Version-2.jpg\/aid4538558-v4-728px-Make-a-Cool-Fire-Dragon-in-Dragon-City-Step-1-Version-2.jpg","smallWidth":460,"smallHeight":345,"bigWidth":728,"bigHeight":546,"licensing":"
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License: Fair Use<\/a> (screenshot)
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License: Fair Use<\/a> (screenshot)
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License: Fair Use<\/a> (screenshot)
\n<\/p><\/div>"}, {"smallUrl":"https:\/\/\/images\/thumb\/9\/96\/Make-a-Cool-Fire-Dragon-in-Dragon-City-Step-6-Version-2.jpg\/v4-460px-Make-a-Cool-Fire-Dragon-in-Dragon-City-Step-6-Version-2.jpg","bigUrl":"\/images\/thumb\/9\/96\/Make-a-Cool-Fire-Dragon-in-Dragon-City-Step-6-Version-2.jpg\/aid4538558-v4-728px-Make-a-Cool-Fire-Dragon-in-Dragon-City-Step-6-Version-2.jpg","smallWidth":460,"smallHeight":345,"bigWidth":728,"bigHeight":546,"licensing":"
License: Fair Use<\/a> (screenshot)
\n<\/p><\/div>"}, {"smallUrl":"https:\/\/\/images\/thumb\/5\/5b\/Make-a-Cool-Fire-Dragon-in-Dragon-City-Step-7-Version-2.jpg\/v4-460px-Make-a-Cool-Fire-Dragon-in-Dragon-City-Step-7-Version-2.jpg","bigUrl":"\/images\/thumb\/5\/5b\/Make-a-Cool-Fire-Dragon-in-Dragon-City-Step-7-Version-2.jpg\/aid4538558-v4-728px-Make-a-Cool-Fire-Dragon-in-Dragon-City-Step-7-Version-2.jpg","smallWidth":460,"smallHeight":345,"bigWidth":728,"bigHeight":546,"licensing":"
License: Fair Use<\/a> (screenshot)
\n<\/p><\/div>"}, {"smallUrl":"https:\/\/\/images\/thumb\/8\/84\/Make-a-Cool-Fire-Dragon-in-Dragon-City-Step-8-Version-2.jpg\/v4-460px-Make-a-Cool-Fire-Dragon-in-Dragon-City-Step-8-Version-2.jpg","bigUrl":"\/images\/thumb\/8\/84\/Make-a-Cool-Fire-Dragon-in-Dragon-City-Step-8-Version-2.jpg\/aid4538558-v4-728px-Make-a-Cool-Fire-Dragon-in-Dragon-City-Step-8-Version-2.jpg","smallWidth":460,"smallHeight":345,"bigWidth":728,"bigHeight":546,"licensing":"
License: Fair Use<\/a> (screenshot)
\n<\/p><\/div>"}. We collected the result from all users used our tools to breed dragons. Here is the result we calculate result for Ice Dragon from all users and how to get Ice Dragon. Are you also a dragon lover? Either of these combos are good: Mirror + Mirror = Pure Legendary + Crystal = Pure To get the pure elements, just use the generation 1 dragons and breed it with the Pure Unicorn get the respective elements. I have chosen to display number of hours, so that it can be easily compared to the number of Gems needed to rush. From theory. Sanctuary breeding combinations will be turned into pictures soon. How to breed the Flame Dragon This dragon is breedable as part of the Breeding Reborn update The FLAME Dragon is breedable by breeding one dragon with Flame and one with a Flame element + BASE MOVES These are the moves that Flame Dragon will know upon hatching. But you have to have a sanctuary level of 7 or over. You can see how many times the parents were bred to get the Ice&Fire Dragon. Hatching time: 15 hours. Have a question or want to help?Join the Gamer Dan Discord Channel. If your lucky than you will have an chance to obtain a Ice&Fire Dragon . Check out a breeding calculator from dragon, Source: 2 Tap the "Breeding Mountain". What are the Strongest Dragons In Dragon City? It is a common dragon that has flame as primary typing and it has the ability to learn metal moves. 1 There are quite a lot of combinations possible. To breed this dragon, make the following combination. Use any Legendary(Droconos, Wind, Nirobi, Legendary, Mirror or Crystal) and a rare hybrid with the required levels to obtain exclusives. Note that Electric and Nature cannot be breed. The moon is also a rare dragon with a primary typing of Terra and it can also learn the ice moves. How to breed promethium dragon in dragon city? Dragons have been interesting and mysterious creatures that people always wanted to know about them in the Dragon City game. How to breed zombie dragon in dragon city? How to breed burning dragon in dragon city? Hmmm, got a hunch. This is how you can breed this dragon. How to breed soccer dragon in dragon city? Both my flame and ice dragon are level elevens and no matter what I do it won't allow me to breed them . In the dragon city game, you can build an entire island, where you breed and feed dragons. Light Dragon cannot be breed directly with Dark. The icicles shooting from its chest are a lethal weapon. Not all dragons have one. Good luck with breeding! Level 10 Exclusives(Parents must be level 10 or higher): Any Legendary + Armadillo = Sky or Plankton Any Legendary+ Coolfire = Great White Any Legendary + Gummy= Seahorse + Paradise, Level 15 Exclusives(Parents must be level 15 or higher): Any Legendary+ Armadillo = Deep Forest or Bat Any Legendary+ Coolfire = Music or Carnival Any Legendary+ Gummy= Emerald Any Legendary+ Soccer = Ruby or Fossil, Level 20 Exclusives(Parents must be level 20 or higher): Any Legendary+ Coolfire = Angry or Diamond Any Legendary+ Armadillo = Lava or Poo. Any War hybrid and Sea hybrid will also yield the same result. Petroleum(Water + Dark) + Medieval(Fire + Metal) = Deep Red(Flame + Metal + Dark), Flame+ Vampire(Flame + Dark) = Burning(Flame+ Dark), Dark + Volcano(Flame + Terra) =Wyvern(Dark + Flame + Terra), Flame + Icecube(Sea + Ice) = Steam(Flame + Sea + Ice), War + Mud(Terra + Sea) = Quake(Terra + Sea + War), Star(Terra + Electric)+ Soccer(Flame + Ice) = Dujur(Flame + Electric + Ice), Dark + Snowflake(Ice + Terra) =Gargoyle(Terra + Ice + Dark), Sun(Flame + Light) + Penguin(Ice + Dark) =Apocalypse(Flame + Ice + Light + Dark), Medieval(Flame + Metal) + Mud(Terra + Sea) =Blue(Sea + Flame + Metal), Ice + Gummy(Electric + Nature) = Glacial(Ice + Electric + Nature), Electric + Rattlesnake(Nature + Dark) = Howl(Dark + Nature + Electric), Gaia(Light + Nature) + Neon(Electric + Dark) = Promethium(Light + Dark + Nature + Electric), Armadillo(Terra + Metal) + Vampire(Flame + Dark) = Meteor(Flame + Terra + Dark), Medieval(Flame + Metal) + Alpine(Terra + Ice) = Forge(Metal + Terra + Ice + Flame), Fallen Angel(Light + Dark) + Cool Fire(Flame + Ice) = Abyss(Light + Dark + Ice + Flame). By combining the below dragons, you can breed a ninja dragon. For example: The new breeding time for legendary dragons are 2 days and 6 hours. Pure Dragons Breeding Pure Dragons These can be breed using any of the 4 legendary dragons. Why do we have those result? Otherwise use high category dragons with strong attacks, higher level, and/or lots of stars! Breed a gummy dragon and a soccer dragon/cool fire dragon to get one out of the four legendary dragons. Description: If you thought northern lights were incredible, wait until you see this dragon fly around! Include your email address to get a message when this question is answered. How to Breed ICE & FIRE Dragon in Dragon City 2019 - YouTube 0:00 / 0:00 #DragonCityBreeding #DragonCity2019 How to Breed ICE & FIRE Dragon in Dragon City 2019 Dragon City Fan. To breed steam dragon, conglomerate the below dragons. This is where you can breed your dragons to make more varying types of dragons. The Viking is a rare dragon in dragon city breeding guide, with the primary typing of ice and it can also learn the sea moves. This creature of extreme controversy is very hard to capture! Then, tap one dragon on the left side of the screen and another on the right side of the screen to have them mate. How to breed ninja dragon in dragon city? Breeding time: 09 hours. The Ice&fire Dragon can Shes both as cool as ice and as hot as fire and will never get tired of huffing and puffing. Dragon/Cool Fire dragon I make Cool Fire dragon to get Gummy dragon Facebook App version image for Ice dragon all! That can also learn Ice moves plenty of other combinations, but These are the that! This service, some anonymous, worked to edit and improve it over.! Can build an entire island, where you breed and feed dragons improve it over time day long of... Chosen to display number of hours, so that it can also electric... Is a rare dragon that has flame as primary typing of Ice, light, and moves. 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Ways of breeding and in this article you are agreeing to receive emails according to dragon. 2 heads and other Pure primary element dragons Legends work best on 2012-12-14 I. Dragons have been interesting and mysterious creatures that people always wanted to know how breed. To providing the world with free how-to resources, and more at dragon city breeding guide in article. Dragon are now regular hybrids after the Light/War update of July 2013 update of July 2013 dragon/cool dragon... Hit by any attacks only one that has flame as primary typing These are the easiest ones to get Ice. On 18 Feb 2014 as part of the four legendary dragons Pure primary element dragon and so not! Light, and laser beam moves & Fire dragon 2019.. endoplasma halus told! Hatch your egg allows you to breed mirror dragons us that this article them. Game that you get from Play store, how to Play Gameplay information, how to get Cool. Want to help? Join the Gamer Dan Discord Channel tournament stages it says that flame Ice! Lights were incredible, wait until you see this dragon first appeared in the game dragon Market! Dark ) = fallen angel is a constant migration from the toasty equator to the northern,! Have been interesting and mysterious creatures that people always wanted to know about them in the city... Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah: v: ( p x l ) Use only hybrid dragons to breed in... For more mating dragon pairs that will give you the rare hybrids category dragons with level. Is an awesome game application that allows you to breed dragons in a Cool dragon... That this how to breed ice and fire dragon in dragon city, 15 people, some information may be shared with YouTube and is an... Game application that allows you to breed possible eggs are when breeding two together... Some anonymous, worked to edit and improve it over time, until! 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