So she held his hand, Review: Beau Is Afraid is quite an odyssey, but not necessarily an oughta-see. Not surprisingly, by the end of the documentary she is living alone in Baltimore while Shanae was living with her family and doing well in high school while preparing to attend a junior college. Megan also leaves Waxter. Just last week Waxter made headline news in Maryland after having been labeled by one childrens rights advocate as a house of horrors. At Waxter, girls like Shanae who have been sentenced for crimes, girls who would make mincemeat of the fillies in Thirteen, are placed alongside those who, as one news story put it, have not been found guilty of anything yet. Except, perhaps, being born poor and grievously disadvantaged. But Vernessa quickly reverts to her old ways, and the scenes of Megan viciously berating her mother for her failures are painful to watch. The article by Livers & Kehoe (2012) is quite contemporary and that is one of the main themes of the article. At 14, she was hit by a stray bullet during a gunfight. New York: Psychology Press. As you watch it, you wish the film would fill in more of each girl's background. At 14, she was hit by a stray bullet during a gunfight. New York: Cengage Learning. Third, Shanae becomes emotionally expressive. See production, box office & company info. As for the staff of the Waxter, they were awesome. Aired on 07/20/2014 | CC tv-pg In 2003, Oprah spoke to Megan, a teenage girl who had spent time in a juvenile detention facility for some of the country's most violent youths. Developmental Psychology: Childhood & Adolescence: Childhood and Adolescence. When Megan talks of her mother, it is apparent that Megan suffers from her neglect and lack of structure. Kennedy, R., and Garbus, L. (2003). The length of her stay at Waxter will depend on whether she can acknowledge what she did and show appropriate remorse. In one of the scenes, she even says that no one loves her. Not surprisingly, by the end of the documentary she is living alone in Baltimore while Shanae was living with her family and doing well in high school while preparing to attend a junior college. In the second segment, she runs away from foster homes to try to live with her mother. A story of mothers and daughters, crimes and consequences, and strength in the face of unimaginable adversity, girlhood is a testament to the faith and struggles of two girls just trying to grow up. NPR's Karen Grigsby Bates talks with documentary filmmaker Liz Garbus about her new film Girlhood, a chronicle of the lives of two troubled adolescent girls involved in the juvenile justice system . Documentary chronicling America's justice system. Garbus rigidity in framing the girls experiences does not allow for the expansiveness and complexity allowed by new theories of girlhood. This may be a psychological scar due to her relationship with her mother. Megan, a pretty girl with a devilish gleam in her eye, tries to get by on charm, but she doesn't have Shanae's focus. Growing up, Megan had shuffled through 11 different foster homes, running away from all but one of them. The girls have traumatic experiences that affect their relationship with others. This documentary follows these two bright but troubled young girls at the Waxter Juvenile Facility in Baltimore as they struggle their way toward redemption and understanding. Her mother was largely able to chart Shanae's problem for the duration of the movie, because she cared about her and wanted to see her do better. Follows two female inmates - victims of horrific violence and tragedy - who are serving time in a Maryland juvenile detention center. As to be expected, the revelations are often heartbreaking, at times infuriating, but because the film runs a total of 88 minutes theyre also manifestly unenlightening. She perseveres through challenges in life. While taking the country, Following an investigations there were findings that certain violations were evident and specifically those relating to failure to protect confined juveniles from harm; failure to address incidences of youth violence due to inadequate supervision; failure to protect juveniles confined from participation in sexual activity; and excessive use of physical force, among other serious violations all clearly in violation of professional standards and conduct. Movies about murdered prostitutes and serial killers who prey on women are so ubiquitous as to be banal, and perhaps not even shockingly these stories tend to be about the cops or lawyers investigating the crimes to which they have fallen victim, and not about the women themselves. "I don't want to do this no more.". I have three lovely kids," she says. Editor Mary Manhardt. Girlhoodshows day-to-day scenes in the girls' lives at Waxter, allowing you to really familiarize yourself with them. A narrative feature based on the two subjects of Liz Garbus' 2003 documentary "Girlhood," young female inmates Shanae Watkins and Megan Stahl, is in the works. When Girlhood opens, Shanae (we never learn her last name) is serving time in the all-girls unit at the Thomas J.S. The girls the film follows for three years are Shanae and Megan, as the film begins in 1999. This fact, combined with the lack of familial support that Megan got, certainly contributed to her continuing to run away from foster homes. [Need anessay writing service? At twelve years old Shanae was involved in a fight that ended with Shanae stabbing and killing a young girl. Megan also shows that she has self-efficacy. The new documentary Girlhood isnt a horror movie, but there isnt another movie this year that chills the blood as quickly as the brief exchange caught on camera between a 15-year-old girl and her parents. Filled with a new sense of hope and ambition, Megan got her life together, pursuing an education and focusing on her family. . Shanae was arrested for murder at the age of 12, after stabbing a friend to death. In 1997 on a Baltimore street, Shanae got into a fight with 13-year-old Chineye Mills, allegedly over a boy. Having been abandoned by her mother, with whom she has a very complicated relationship, Megan is desperate for attention and affection. The film, however, makes Shanae and Megans girlhoods into victory stories when, instead, they are something much more complex. Girls like Shanae and the films other principal subject, Megan, a disarmingly appealing teenager who, bounced from one foster home to another (11 total), landed in Waxter after slicing open another girl with a box cutter. I thought the movie was captivating, it drew me into the two girls' lives and everything they went through. "I decided to change some of my ways because I didn't want the system raising my child," she says. Footage of the two girls is then followed along with more title cards that give insight into the crimes they have committed. When she originally returned to Baltimore, Megan's life went downhill. In the film's most compelling scenes Megan confronts Vernessa, who has been released from prison and who professes her love and determination to be an anchor for her daughter. Baltimore teens Shanae, left, and Megan are the subjects of Liz Garbus's documentary "Girlhood," now at the AFI Silver Theatre in Silver Spring."Girlhood," a documentary by Liz Garbus, right . [ClickEssay Writerto order your essay]. She angrily lashes out at the girl, but shows no remorse when she finds out that she died. Girlhood made its U.S. premiere at SXSW 2003, where it won the Audience Award for Documentary Feature. The history of American documentary cinema is rife with well-intentioned filmmakers like Garbus who have trained their cameras on the abject, the neglected and the powerless. . (Watkins stabbed a girl to death in a street fight.) Cannes, this is how its done: projects from female filmmakers are set to kick off and conclude both AFI DOCS and Provincetown International Film Festival. Her mother was largely able to chart Shanae's problem for the duration of the movie, because she cared about her and wanted to see her do better. Shanae is a plump black girl who mentions she lost her virginity in the Baltimore projects when she was 10, was raped by 5 boys at 11, and did drugs in her . ET on OWN. While Shanae sublimates her anger and hurt and moves on with life, for Megan everything is right on the surface. Both girls are likable, smart young women struggling to overcome traumatic backgrounds. Throughout the film, we are sympathetic to the challenges of Shanae and Megans girlhoods, but cannot substantively grasp, through the documentary, the unresolved nature of their status, as girls in a system that seeks to destroy not just girlhood, but life beyond girlhood too. "I didn't know how to love anybody or to depend on people because I never had anyone stable enough in my life to actually show me that kind of love and compassion.". Essay Sample Check Writing Quality. . New and Upcoming Science Fiction and Fantasy. Girlhood[Motion Picture]. Genre:. Unlike Megan, who ends up bitter, Shanae has a positive outlook that things will become better. The mystery of the young woman's disappearance haunts her single, middle-aged, working-class mother, Mari Gilbert (Amy Ryan), for the duration of Lost Girls intentionally bleak, downbeat, if. Shanae was only 11 at the time and had tumbled into a numbed existence of drinking and drugs after being gang-raped by five boys. Furthermore, at the end of the documentary, she enrolls in a community college nearby. "Excuse me," she said. They both received open-ended sentences and their release depends on their current jail behavior. Mary Celeste Kearney writes that in approaching girlhood, sociological research, interestingly, often focused on female juvenile delinquency. In recent years, however, Girlhood Studies has grown to include and account for multiple narratives of girlhood, and actively attempts not to make girlhood inferior to womanhood, or take it less seriously. The new documentary "Girlhood" isn't a horror movie, but there isn't another movie this year that chills the blood as quickly as the brief exchange caught on camera between a 15-year-old girl. Similarly, she seems to suffer from ambivalent attachment because she is always distressed when she is unable to receive affirmations from her mother. Of the two only Shanae receives that nurturing, and it seems to make all the difference. She had lived in an environment that was full of disruption. Documentary film is a powerful medium for psychology course instruction, providing examples of concepts, issues, and theoretical principles, embedded in the realworld human experience. While Shanae, the victim of a horrendous violent crime herself as a child, has difficulty coming to grips with the murder she's committed, she's clearly an intelligent, charismatic, and, most importantly, motivated girl. Second, she is distressed when her mother leaves. From there she enrolls in high school, where she places fourth in her class, and plans to attend a community college. Girlhood. Theres no suggestion that the teenager feels any true remorse, only that shes learned how to deploy the same hollow psychological platitudes as her jailers. There are a couple of different things I would attempt to implement if I were the director of the Waxter Juvenile Facility to make the program more efficacious for juveniles sent there for reform. Anyone can read what you share. Privacy Policy, Download this Essay in word format (.docx), Juvenile Detention Alternatives Initiative, Juvenile Detention and Corrections Standards, New Juvenile Detention Center, if Given Unlimited, Girlhood Juvenile Delinquents Shanae Megan Waxter Juvenile Essay. By entering your email and clicking Sign Up, you're agreeing to let us send you customized marketing messages about us and our advertising partners. The most salient factor in Megan's reversal of fortune however was the tireless work that her mother did to ensure that her daughter became an upstanding individual. Despite the locked doors and garish green paint daubing the hallways, the Waxter center doesnt look all that forbidding. Girlhood tells the story of two young girls locked up in The Waxter Juvenile Facility in Baltimore because they committed violent crimes. Confronted with her crime, Shanae is strangely detached and has little memory of the incident. Through abbreviated, seamlessly edited scenes, the girls are observed lurching through the juvenile penal system by awkward fits and starts. Once Shanae begins to face the reality of what she did, she is transferred to a group home and begins to flourish. The film is also said to be informative regarding the significance of the relationship between mothers and daughters. This paper provides a social psychological review of Megan and Shanae from an ecological point of view as well as an attachment perspective. In the documentary Girlhood, Liz Garbus follows two young women who have encountered numerous misfortunes in the past that led them to implement their violent offences. She stays briefly at another foster home before running away to live with friends and eventually by herself in the treacherous East Baltimore neighborhood where she got into trouble. Electronic Inspiration LLC. AFI DOCS, a documentary fest in the Laura Bari made her full-length debut with Antoine, a documentary about the imaginary life of a blind boy. The documentary, indeed, treats girlhood as its subject a phase of life distinct from womanhood, childhood or any other experience. Even more disturbing is Megan's real acknowledgement of this abandonment. Garbus, L. (Director). Oprah later told her she was the first person she had interviewed who had ever walked out on her. The girls crimes obviously color their experiences of girlhood, but they are humanized by Garbus editorial choices through camera angles, the stories we hear, the presentation of various sympathetic or irresponsible adults that accessorize and control the girls lives. Producers Liz Garbus, Rory Kennedy. This presumption is damaging because ultimately Garbus makes uncomplicated subjects of the girls. Garbus encountered the girls at the Waxter Juvenile Facility in Baltimore while making a television documentary about the boys incarcerated there. Shanae and Megans girlhoods contain all that which other parts of life contain, and to think of Garbus idea of girlhood as winning at the end of the film is short-sighted and perhaps fails to move forward with Girlhood Studies attention to complexity and fullness (including pain) of this part of life for her subjects. But Garbus way of humanizing, in some instances, obfuscates the complexity of struggle, survival and the bad from the girls girlhood. I argue that The Craft's relevance to . The majority of her life, her mother was either on the streets giving into her drug addiction or incarcerated for prostitution charges. Additionally, the film has been criticized for having the drama move the film along. References Abandoned by her mother, a heroin addict turned prostitute, Megan ran away from then different foster homes before being arrested on assault charges. *Not Affiliated, Sponsored or Endorsed by any University. "I'm happy now.". The film was shown at 30 festivals around the world and won over a dozen prizes. It indicates that she is wary of strangers (Garbus, 2003). Megan's mother was a drug-addled prostitute, and after being placed in, and escaping from, nearly a dozen foster homes, Megan committed a violent crime. In an interview with NPR, the films director, Liz Garbus, admits that Girlhood was originally a documentary about incarcerated boys, but the girls stories were more interesting to her. Volatile, articulate and desperately needy, Megan seethes with bitterness at having been abandoned by her mother, Vernessa, a heroin addict and prostitute, who has spent many years in prison. That is not to say that traumatic experience, crime or drug abuse are good, but that in these stories they exist and persist, even when the girls triumph and go to prom or spend time with family. Shanae has been at Waxter longer than any other inmate and after two years shes itching to get out. New York: Psychology Press. 2023 BuzzFeed, Inc. All rights reserved. However, the film ignores their concerns regarding the young girls and regarding the system. Hanna has won numerous writing awards. The documentary follows the plight of Megan and Shanae (Garbus, 2003). Eighty percent of cases do not, Juvenile Detention Standards It first examines the main purpose, and location of the facility, and then turns to how the facility would deal with resident problems with socialization, education, and correctional components. As the documentary end, it is clear that Megan is afraid to trust others. When Ms. Hill choked on her tears for Shanae leaving - it was heartfelt. "Oprah: Where Are They Now?" But it also made me wonder, why was Megan not looked after in essence like Shanae was? Chineye died from her wounds, and Shanae was sent to a juvenile detention center that housed some of the most violent young offenders . associated with girlhood. 2023. Once Shanae begins to face the reality of what she did, she is transferred to a group home and begins to flourish. Follows two female inmates - victims of horrific violence and tragedy - who are serving time in a Maryland juvenile detention center. As she grows up, she realizes that she cannot rely on anyone and starts to take better care or herself. Because the film does not incorporate the juvenile system that fails Megan and others like her, the focus of the film becomes on the distinction between mothers who neglect their children and mothers who do not. Garbus interest in and empathy for her subjects and, more importantly, the way in which she relays their girlhood, makes for an entertaining and emotional documentary, but perhaps an incomplete one. For example, once the girls are out of Waxter, we see Shanae is doing well in school and even goes to her prom. The lack of a proper support system is evident because she does not achieve as much as Shanae who does not falter when her mother dies. At the beginning of the documentary, Shanae and Megan are 14 and 16, serving time for murder and assault, respectively. When she grows older, it is clear that she is still affected by the feeling of neglect and she believes nobody is looking out for her interest (Garbus, 2003). Shanae, an African-American who has been at Waxter for two years when the film begins, was sent there after stabbing a girl to death in a knife fight. Abruptly, she halted the conversation. The documentary Girlhood follows the lives of two girls, Shanae and Megan, from 1999-2002, during and shortly after their release from Waxter Juvenile Facility in Maryland. The subject of their research lies in the standards of juvenile detention centers and facilities. ''Girlhood, which was shot in 16 millimeter, is a bare-bones affair, as spare as the juvenile institution in which much of it was filmed. 1103 Words. The main character joins a girls' gang and is soon stealing, extorting money from classmates, and beating up . Instead it resembles one of those depressingly familiar, underfunded and understaffed holding pens for social throwaways -- in other words, it looks as much like an inner-city high school as a correctional institution. Documentary Crime Documentary chronicling America's justice system., In the documentary, we learn that she runs away from foster care eleven times, ten before Waxter and once more after leaving Waxter. Documentary chronicling America's justice system. Copyright Disclaimer under section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for "fair use" for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, t. (See also: her 2003 documentary Girlhood.) Running time: 88 minutes. Copyright 2022 My Essay Writer. In Garbus version of their lives, these experiences do not bring them down. They emerge triumphant; their girlhood, we end up hoping, will be salvaged. LA Times reviewer Manohla Dargis notes, Garbus obsession with levity ultimately triumphs, leaving us with an unfinished picture: [T]o turn complex and contradictory lives into palatable narratives, is one of the least-examined pitfalls in nonfiction filmmaking. Cannily positioned in the U.S. as the distaff answer to Richard Linklater's Boyhood, Cline Sciamma's third feature (following Water Lilies and Tomboy) Girlhood doesn't follow its protagonist over the course of 12 years, or even over more than a year or so. And at 12, she had become a killer. All Rights Reserved. In the end, it seems the title Girlhood is both revealing and a misnomer: this film is about the liminal space of girlhoods colored by destabilizing events in their lives (and the larger systems and circumstances dictated by a society that easily discards the humanity of girls, people of color, queer people, differently abled people and poor people). MPAA rating: Unrated. Like Us On Facebook | Follow Us On Twitter. Volatile, articulate and desperately needy, Megan seethes with bitterness at having been abandoned by her mother, Vernessa, a heroin addict and prostitute, who has spent many years in prison. Megan Jensen had a difficult childhood. In the beginning, Shanae is not remorseful for committing murder (Garbus, 2003). Copyright Disclaimer under section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for fair use for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, education and research.This Documentary/Film \"Girlhood\" is not for any personal financial profit or gain to TheeSymphony'sCulture Channel, but instead only for educational purposes and cultural research. Open Document. Subsequently, she was always looking for that support and without it had less incentive and means to create a change in her life. Required fields are marked *, College Essay Examples | January 23, 2017, College Essay Examples | February 2, 2018. All the same, Marieme (Karidja Tour) goes through nearly as many shifts in appearance and identity as Boyhood's Mason. Subsequently, she was always looking for that support and without it had less incentive and means to create a change in her life. She had many problems communicating with her foster parents, and she ran away ten times before she had even been arrested for aggravated assault. A wild, tough-talking girl of mixed race who has run away from 10 foster homes, she was incarcerated for attacking another foster child with a box cutter. The film then changes focus on Megan and her deteriorating relationship with her mother. Times guidelines: Adult language, some drug use, strong emotional content. With these questions in mind, I use feminist textual analysis to examine three filmsNausica of the Valley of the Wind (1984), Kiki's Delivery Service (1989), and Princess Mononoke (1997)by acclaimed Japanese animator Hayao Miyazaki in which girl characters and girlhood play prominently into the film's construction as a whole. ~ (Source: Josh Ralske, All Movie Guide). She Alba Sotorra is an independent filmmaker and producer based in Barcelona. The documentary follows the plight of Megan and Shanae (Garbus, 2003). It is typically more difficult for adults to change their patterns of behavior than it is for younger people. recently followed up with Megan to see what had happened after the show. The relationship between staff and the young girls is also essential to how the girls grow and move forward with their lives. The film follows them from 1999 through the year 2002. These girls are the subjects of Liz Garbus' documentary, Girlhood. Even though she does not get the chance to further her education, she avoids returning to a life of crime (Garbus, 2003). Juvenile Delinquency Join our weekly newsletter to stay up-to-date on women centric, directed, and written films and news. "Oprah: Where Are They Now?" A wild, tough-talking girl of mixed race who has run away from 10 foster homes, she was incarcerated for attacking another foster child with a box cutter. Other aspects reveal themselves when she grows older. Girlhood Directed by Liz Garbus Documentary, Crime Not Rated 1h 22m By Stephen Holden Oct. 29, 2003 Liz Garbus's hard-headed documentary film ''Girlhood'' is prefaced with an unsettling. ABSTRACT The teen horror film The Craft (1996) has remained a cult classic with girl audiences for two decades. Megan was shuffled through 11 different foster homes, running away from all except one. Brody, R., & Dwyer, D. (2016). Even though there is an intense argument, after she tells her mother never to talk to her again, she has a nervous breakdown (Garbus, 2003). "I was really, really, really confused at the time," Megan says. An alternate perspective of Girl Hood is that it is a film that tries too hard to achieve an ending on a positive note. The impulse to end on an up note, to turn complex and contradictory lives into palatable narratives, is one of the least-examined pitfalls in nonfiction filmmaking. We also met Megan, who, unlike Shanae, was not at the . Shanae and Megan are both magnetic characters, and their story is as relevant as it is inspiring. Innumerable advancements and innovations have profoundly contributed to the betterment of the lives of the human race in the twenty first century. In the documentary, she is always trying to contact either the mother or the grandmother. After Megan and her mother have falling out and are no longer speaking, the film again shifts focus to Shanae, who has now just lost her mother to heart failure. Even though her mother has a problem with drugs and prostitution, she is distressed when she does not receive visits or calls from her. However, it is also noteworthy that Megan is two years older than Shanae. The film leaves us with a final mystery about human development. Wake up to the day's most important news. In this field, deadlines are super important. But Garbus sidesteps this queasy unpleasantness either because it pains her or because it doesnt fit with the triumphant survivor story shes trying to tell. Our managing editor an award-winning journalist has spent the past 7 years refining our roster. Miriam Kruishoop (Greencard Warriors) has signed on to write and direct Hood Girls, a narrative feature based on the life stories of the two subjects of Liz Garbus 2003 documentary Girlhood. Megan, a pretty girl with a devilish gleam in her eye, tries to get by on charm, but she doesn't have Shanae's focus. (2003). At, we provide students the tools they need to streamline their studying, researching, and writing tasks. The relationship between staff and the young women at Waxter is for the most part warm and friendly. Shanae had a substantially greater amount of support than Megan did. The two attend classes, hang out (rarely with each other), argue with their adult keepers, pout and rage and confess their secrets to Garbus carefully unobtrusive camera. They focus upon the history of corrections, the history of juvenile corrections, and the history of the standards of juvenile corrections. teaching psychology courses. One of the biggest criticisms that Garbus. ''GIRLHOOD,'' a new documentary, is a poignant and often distressing look at the lives of two teenage girls, inmates at the Thomas J. S. Waxter Children's Center for juvenile detention near Baltimore. Girl Hood is a documentary film directed and produced by Liz Garbus that follows two teenage girls, Shanae and Megan, over the span of three years, from the time they are in the all-girls juvenile detention center at Thomas J.S Waxter Childrens Center in Laurel, Maryland, to when they are out in the real world. This leads to her eventual rehabilitation from delinquency. 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